The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error 0x6a0a7c6d on thread 0x1f70. The error code is 0x80131623. This may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Often the source of this error formed by marshal user errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may damage the stack.
Does anyone know how to track down this problem and what he actually mean?!
the code where this happen is the following:
Public Sub Ok()
BTWTariefID = 0
If Prijs > 0 Then
Dim formVraagBtw As New wndVraagBTW()
BTWTariefID = formVraagBtw.BTWID
End If
CreateOpmerking(Nothing, False, BTWTariefID)
Catch ex As Exception
WriteErrorLog("btnOk", New StackTrace().GetFrame(0).GetMethod.ToString(), ex)
End Try
End Sub
The odd thing in this is if i set a breakpoint inside this sub and then hit f5 i dont get any errors only if i dont have any breakpoints on this sub i will get the error.
Any ideas?
Private Sub CreateOpmerking(gRegel As clsVerkooporderRegel, showBTWTarief As Boolean, btwTariefID As Integer)
Dim dblPrijs As Double
If DMStr(Prijs).Trim = "" Then Prijs = "0"
If Opmerking.Length > 0 And Double.TryParse(Prijs, dblPrijs) Then
dblPrijs = 0
End If
If OrderRegel Is Nothing Then
If gRegel Is Nothing Then
Parent.VMVerkoop.opmerkingsregel(Opmerking, dblPrijs, Aantal, Item, Gang, showBTWTarief, btwTariefID)
Parent.VMVerkoop.opmerkingsregel(Opmerking, dblPrijs, gRegel.aantal, gRegel.orderregel.item, gRegel.orderregel.Gang, showBTWTarief, btwTariefID)
End If
Me.Parent.ModalVisibility = Visibility.Hidden
Me.Parent.Modal = Nothing
OrderRegel.orderregel.opmerking = Opmerking
OrderRegel.orderregel.Omschrijving2 = Opmerking
OrderRegel.orderregel.prijs_per_stuk = dblPrijs
OrderRegel.orderregel.prijs_per_stuk_origineel = dblPrijs
OrderRegel.orderregel.btwtariefID = btwTariefID
OrderRegel.orderregel.aantal = Aantal
If Artikel IsNot Nothing Then OrderRegel.orderregel.artikelID = Artikel.ID
OrderRegel.regeltotaalnakorting = Aantal * dblPrijs
'Me.Parent.VMVerkoop.opmerkingsregel(Opmerking, dblPrijs, Aantal, Item, Gang, Artikel)
Me.Parent.ModalVisibility = Visibility.Hidden
Me.Parent.Modal = Nothing
Opmerking = ""
End If
Catch ex As Exception
WriteErrorLog("CreateOpmerking", New StackTrace().GetFrame(0).GetMethod.ToString(), ex)
End Try
End Sub
The error happens when the if condition is true, but if i set a breakpoint even outside the if condition the code will run with no problems, if i take the breakpoint out there is not error at all. Thanks
The error code is 0x80131623
That's COR_E_FAILFAST, a very nasty CLR crash. Usually triggered when it discovers that the stack was corrupted by a buffer overflow, the program instantly terminates with a "fail fast" process exit. It is malware counter-measure, stack buffer overflows were a traditional way to infect a program.
These crashes were not entirely uncommon in the early days of .NET 4.0, the first version that has the CLR built with the "buffer security check" option turned on, /GS option for the C++ compiler. It's been quite a while since I've seen anybody report it however, they got fixed and current CLR revisions do not suffer from false alarms anymore.
Difficult to give proper advice, it is very unlikely to have anything to do with your code. You do want to make sure that your .NET and VS revisions are up to date. Be sure to enable Windows Update so your .NET version can be updated, ensure you've got the latest VS service pack. If you can repro the crash well then you'll have a shot at getting help from Microsoft Support.
Just in case: it can be triggered by your own code intentionally. Usually done in an event handler for the AppDomain.UnhandledException event, Environment.FailFast() is a common way to terminate the program instantly.
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