TFS 2013 upgrade (error TF400534)


We are trying to upgrade our TFS2012 to TFS 2013, however we receive the error-message:

Error : TF400534 : Package (updatetfs) caching failed with the following status : 0x80070005

We have administrative rights, enough disk space and have tried both with web-installer and ISO-file. We believe that we meet all the requirements to do the upgrade, however we receive the above mentioned error and sees the following errors in the log:

[0EA0:1134][2013-10-22T11:07:48]e000: Error 0x80020005: Failed to get value as numeric for variable: TFS_SetupStartTime

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]e000: Error 0x80070005: Failed attempt to copy payload from: 'F:\packages\UpdateTfs\updatetfs.exe' to: C:\Users\FITADM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2{0bd548db-1305-4220-8d53-e7d4274e2ab1}\updatetfs.

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]i000: [Info] OnCacheAcquireComplete: wzPackageOrContainerId: updatetfs, wzPayloadId: updatetfs, hrStatus: 0x80070005, nRecommendation : 0

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]e000: Error 0x80070005: Failed to acquire payload from: 'F:\packages\UpdateTfs\updatetfs.exe' to working path: 'C:\Users\FITADM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2{0bd548db-1305-4220-8d53-e7d4274e2ab1}\updatetfs'

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]e313: Failed to acquire payload: updatetfs to working path: C:\Users\FITADM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2{0bd548db-1305-4220-8d53-e7d4274e2ab1}\updatetfs, error: 0x80070005.

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]i000: [Info] OnCachePackageComplete: wzPackageId: updatetfs, hrStatus: 0x80070005, nRecommendation : 5

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]i000: [Info] State Change: CachingPackage => CachingPackageComplete

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]e000: [Error] TF400534 : Package (updatetfs) caching failed with the following status : 0x80070005. HRESULT : 0x80070005

[0EA0:1EB8][2013-10-22T11:08:46]e000: [Error] Error Lookup For 0x80070005 returned: Access is denied.

Does anybody know how we can resolve this problem?

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 22, 2013 by user2140328 • edited Jun 20, 2020 by Community

2 Answers


I got this exact error. Make sure you install SQL Server 2012 sp1 first, before you begin the TFS upgrade.

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 7, 2014 by Nate Suver

This error happens when the installer cannot copy all of the necessary setup files to the local C:\ drive

(Failed attempt to copy payload from: 'F:\packages\UpdateTfs\updatetfs.exe' to: C:\Users\FITADM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\...etc. etc.

Reasons that it fails to copy include:

  • Not enough free space on the C:\ drive
  • No permission to copy to that folder location
  • Installer media is corrupted

I read where you say you have enough free disk space, but I would double check that and make sure your C:\ drive has at least 5 GB of free space.

Good luck!

answered on Stack Overflow Aug 7, 2015 by Roberjo

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