Decoding Stack Trace error


I am looking at the crash history and the following appears. Is there a way to identify what is the error or how to resolve? Is there any place where it identifies the error codes?

Exception Type: system.exception

Frame Image Function Offset
0 windows_ni Windows.Phone.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognizer..ctor 0x00000001
1 carparkcommon_ni GetMeALot.Helpers.Speech.Initialize 0x00000040
2 getmealot_ni GetMeALot.MainPage+_PhoneApplicationPage_Loaded_d__b.MoveNext 0x0000007e
3 mscorlib_ni System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore._ThrowAsync_b__0 0x00000036

Exception Type: system.argumentoutofrangeexception

Frame Image Function Offset
0 system_core_ni System.Linq.Enumerable.ElementAt[[System.__Canon,_mscorlib]] 0x00000122
1 carparkcommon_ni GetMeALot.Helpers.Speech.Initialize 0x00000128
2 getmealot_ni GetMeALot.MainPage+_PhoneApplicationPage_Loaded_d__b.MoveNext 0x0000007e
3 mscorlib_ni Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore._ThrowAsync_b__0 0x00000036

asked on Stack Overflow Sep 25, 2013 by Filton Ong

1 Answer


It looks to be related to your creation of a new SpeechRecognizer in the Loaded event of the MainPage.

answered on Stack Overflow Sep 26, 2013 by Matt Lacey

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