the file is not a valid app package because it is missing a manifest or block map


When i try to create a windows store package from my WPF application, i see this error: "the file is not a valid app package because it is missing a manifest or block map"

I've create an AppxManifest.xml file, but it still doesn't work.

Here's how i use Makeappx.exe and the console output:

MakeAppx.exe pack /d .\ /p StoreAppTest1.appx

Microsoft (R) MakeAppx Tool version

Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft.  All rights reserved.

The package path (/p) parameter is: "StoreAppTest1.appx"

The content directory (/d) parameter is: ".\"

Enumerating files from directory ".\"

Packing 4 file(s) in ".\" (content directory) to "StoreAppTesame).

MakeAppx : error: The package must contain a manifest.

MakeAppx : error: Package creation failed.

MakeAppx : error: 0x80080203 - The file is not a valid app pa
 missing a manifest or block map.

MakeAppx : error: The specified package format is not valid.
asked on Stack Overflow Jul 1, 2013 by Uri Abramson

1 Answer


Well, first, the AppManifest.xml file must be valid and created according to this:, if you need just the basic, you can read the quick start here:, but the fundamental problem seems to be that WPF applications are not supported in the Windows Store, only Windows Store applications are supported there, so this is a no go.

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 1, 2013 by Rafael

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