Failing to set COM+ ConstructorString on Win7 - CryptProtectData changes?



I'm trying to programmatic-ally set a COM+ component's ConstructorString with a value for later initialization.

The code in question works fine on WinXP, Win2k3, Vista and Win2k8.

I'm failing on Win7 - Home Premium version.

I've determined by trial and error that there seems to be a size limit on the constructor string - if the string is 512 characters (wchar) or less, it saves. Longer, and the SaveChanges call on the CatalogCollection object fails with a 0x80110437 - COMADMIN_E_PROPERTYSAVEFAILED error.

Turns out, all systems have that limit - 512 characters.

We use CryptProtectData to encrypt a password before putting it into the string.

On win7 (x64) the output of the string is longer than on XP (x32) and W2k3 (x64).

So - CryptProtectData has changed - why is the output longer?

    if (!CryptProtectData(&dataIn,L" ",&optionalEntropy,NULL,NULL,
asked on Stack Overflow Nov 13, 2009 by Eli • edited Nov 13, 2009 by Eli

1 Answer


What do you do with dataOut to turn it into a string? I can't remember the exact details now, but I assume the constructor string is a BSTR. dataOut is a byte buffer, so you need to be very careful when converting it to a string, so you don't trip on embedded NUL characters, etc.

Could you update your question to include the conversion from the output buffer of CryptProtectData to string?

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 15, 2009 by Kim Gräsman

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