When bind view model attribute to a input textbox, it crashes in IE


This is the error message when IE8 crashes.

Unhandled exception at 0x05A99E34 (mshtml.dll) in iexplore.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000003C.

the following works.

<tbody data-bind="foreach: searchResults">
    <tr><td data-bind="text: orgName"></td></tr>

but the following crash on IE8 (works on IE10, FF and Chrome).

orgName is just a string set in the vm.searchStakeholder.

Here's more about the view model.

var Stakeholder = (function () {
    function Stakeholder(orgName) {
        this.orgName = ko.observable(orgName);
    return Stakeholder;

var vm = new function () {
    var self = this;
    self.searchResults = ko.observableArray();

    self.searchStakeholder = function (){
             dataType: 'json',
             url: 'the-url',
             contentType: 'application/json',
             success: function(json){
                 for(var i = 0; i < json.SearchResults.length; i++) {
                     var x = json.SearchResults[i];
                     self.searchResults.push(new Stakeholder(x.orgName));


ko.applyBindings(vm, $('#divMyApp')[0]);
asked on Stack Overflow Jun 10, 2013 by Ray Cheng • edited Jun 11, 2013 by Ray Cheng

1 Answer


Assuming that you are getting some results back of type Stakeholder and storing them in searchResults -

<table data-bind="with: searchResults">
        <td>Org Name</td>
    <tr data-bind="foreach: stakeholder">
        <td data-bind="text: name"></td>
            <input type="text" data-bind="value: orgName" />

Works in IE8. But since your searchResults is a KO.observableArray() I assume that you need to foreach your searchResults, but without a better picture of what you are doing it's hard to tell, here that is anyway.

        <td>Org Name</td>
    <tr data-bind="foreach: searchResults">
        <td data-bind="text: name"></td>
            <input type="text" data-bind="value: orgName" />

I also can't tell what orgName is or how it is being passed to the constructor of the Stakeholder, if it is a KO.observable then remove it as a parameter and use orgName(), if it is a parameter being passed in then move it up to the parent function and rename it to ensure it isn't a circular reference.

var Stakeholder = (function (organizationName) {
    var self = this;
    function Stakeholder() {
        this.orgName = ko.observable(self.organizationName);
    return Stakeholder;

Last, not sure what the 'blah' element is at the bottom, maybe just a copy pasta typo?

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 10, 2013 by PW Kad

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