Ok, first of all here is the error message from WMI-Activity / Operational in EventLog (Windows 8):
Id = ; ClientMachine = machinename; User = machinename\Dev; ClientProcessId = 1440; Component = WMIService; Operation = connect to namespace : root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption; ResultCode = 0x80041003; PossibleCause = the user was not granted appropriate permission on the namespace.
the thing is User name "Dev" is not the username that I fed to the ConnectionOptions of ManagementScope() when I attempted connection to remote computer.
The machinename(I hide) was correct.
Trying to make a remote connection is a service and most suspicious scenario is service running as local machine somehow overwrites the username..
I need a confirmation with somebody who might know and able to explain what I am doing wrong here..
I see Username and Password are correct until fed into properties of ConnectionOptions and made Scope.Connect() call.
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