Using WMI to get printer logs


I'm trying to use WMI to get printer system logs from several servers. A week ago I made the following code which for some reason only works sometimes:

wmic /node:<servername> NTEvent WHERE "logfile='System' AND SourceName='Print' AND TimeGenerated > '20130219'" get EventCode,TimeGenerated,Message 

This line of code sometimes will work, but the majority of the time I'm getting the following error whenever I've tried running it to get logs:

Code = 0x80020009
Description = Exception occurred.
Facility = Dispatch

I was wondering if anyone may know why this is occurring and if there would be a better method to rewrite my code. I've considered using the get-wmiobject cmdlet, however I'm not sure how to filter and get the same logs that I'm trying to get.

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 4, 2013 by Valrok • edited Mar 4, 2013 by alroc

1 Answer


There are two ways to do this. Neither uses Get-WMIObject.

Option 1: Get the whole event log, then filter.

Get-EventLog -LogName System -Source Print|where-object{$_.timeGenerated -gt (get-date "2013-02-19")}|select-object eventid, timegenerated,message | Export-csv -path r:\log.csv -notypeinfo;

Option 2: Filter at the source

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='system';source='print';StartTime=(get-date "2013-02-19").date;}|select-object id,timecreated,message;

Best practice is to filter as close to the source of the data as possible (Filter Left, Format Right), which would be option 2 in this case.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 4, 2013 by alroc • edited Mar 5, 2013 by alroc

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