PostKbdMessage for å character within Windows Mobile?


I am trying my best to simulate keyboard input to get å and Å on windows mobile.

Unfortunately WM6 does not support KEYEVENTF_UNICODE and so my challenge begins.

I already tried SendInput, keybd_event, PostMessage, SendMessage and PostKeybdMessage. None of my tries worked. The problem is that most of the APIs only accept VK_ values and there is no VK_ value for the above chars. Using PostKeybdMessage to create æ and ø works fine, but not for å.

Here is the most working code:

BOOL PostRawVKey( UINT vKey, UINT flag )
    KEY_STATE_FLAGS kstate[1];
    UINT charbuff[1];
    BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
    HWND hwnd = (HWND)-1;

   switch (flag)
      case VK_SHIFT:
         kstate   [0]   = KeyShiftAnyShiftFlag;
      case VK_CONTROL:
         kstate   [0]   = KeyShiftAnyCtrlFlag;
      case VK_MENU://ALT
         kstate   [0]   = KeyShiftAnyAltFlag;
      case KeyShiftDeadFlag:
          kstate[0] = KeyShiftDeadFlag;
         kstate   [0]   = KeyStateDownFlag;

   switch (vKey)
      case VK_RETURN:
         charbuff [0]   = 0x0D;
      case VK_TAB:
         charbuff [0]   = 0x09;
      case VK_UP:
         charbuff [0]   = 0x26;
      case VK_DOWN:
         charbuff [0]   = 0x28;
        charbuff [0]    = vKey;

  if(PostKeybdMessage( hwnd, vKey, kstate[0], 1, &kstate[0], &charbuff[0]) )
      bReturn = TRUE;
//      keybd_event(0,0,m_dwUserDefinedKeySound,0);
  return bReturn; 
PostRawVKey(L'ä', 0);
PostRawVKey(L'æ', 0);   //  æ=0230 Æ=0198
PostRawVKey(L'°', KeyShiftDeadFlag);
PostRawVKey(L'a', 0);
PostRawVKey(L'ø', 0);   //  ø=0248 Ø=0216
PostRawVKey(L'å', 0);   //  å=0229 or 134, Å=0197   //not OK

and that is the result showing without any å:

no å input

I also tried using keybd_event and simulate Alt+134, no success.

Looking at the keyboard messages that are issued when you press the symbol on the soft keyboard, I see:

key messages for tapping å

msg     wParam   lParam
KeyDown VK_CLEAR 0x00000001
CHAR    å 0xe5   0x00000001
KeyUp   VK_CLEAR 0xc0000001

and so I also tried

SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_CLEAR, 0x00000001);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CHAR, 0x000000e5, 0x00000001);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYUP, VK_CLEAR, 0xc0000001);

Can anyone provide a working example code (c/c++)?

As the Microsoft Keyboard can issue the å, how can I do it?

Background is a keyboard remapper that remaps some keys to danish chars.

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 4, 2013 by josef

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