I have a stream I get from HTTP.
I would like to save each packet I receive and append it to the end of a file: "myData.dat"
I wrote the code below, and it runs each time a packet arrives.
private async void FrameReady( object sender, IBuffer DataBuffer )
InMemoryRandomAccessStream stream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
await stream.WriteAsync( DataBuffer );
stream.Seek( 0 );
using ( Stream file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.OpenStreamForWriteAsync( "myData.dat", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists ) )
file.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.End );
var dataReader = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader( stream );
byte [] buffer = new byte [DataBuffer.Length];
dataReader.ReadBytes( buffer );
await file.WriteAsync( buffer, 0, (int)DataBuffer.Length );
However, when running the code it fails on this line:
dataReader.ReadBytes( buffer );
The error message is:
The operation attempted to access data outside the valid range (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000000B)
Not sure why is that? Any idea?
I've come across a similar problem with the ReadBytes function.
I'm using the following workaround which might be of help to someone.
private async Task<uint> ProcessBulkIn(Task<DataReader> task)
byte[] rawData;
DataReader b = await task;
uint length = b.UnconsumedBufferLength;
IBuffer iBuf = b.ReadBuffer(length);
rawData = iBuf.ToArray();
return length;
You will need to include the namespace for the ToArray function on IBuffer.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;
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