ASP Push Notifications: limit time response


I'm developing a .NET application which communicate with a JS client through Event-source.

It's works pretty well but I have a problem:

If a client disconnects when the server is writing, the server keeps being stuck for 10 seconds and gives me an error at the end:

The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x80070079.

This error is normal and I catch it, but I would like to avoid the 10 seconds or at least limit it to 1 or 2 seconds.

My code is like this:

 if (ctx.Response.IsClientConnected)
      ctx.Response.Write("data: " + e.json + "\n\n");

I try with <httpRuntime executionTimeout="3"/> but it doesn't work...

Any idea?

Valentin :)
asked on Stack Overflow Jan 2, 2013 by ValentinH • edited Jan 2, 2013 by Rui Jarimba

1 Answer


I think there might be a need for a minimum timeout based on connections' unreliability.

I don't know your code logic and architecture exactly but you can convert your operations to work asynchronously.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 2, 2013 by erichste

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