Can't Install MVC 3


I tried with both the web install platform and manually but both don't work.

I am trying to first install AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe yet it always fails with a fatal error

OS Version = 6.1.7601, Platform 2, Service Pack 1
OS Description = Windows 7 - x64 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1
CommandLine = c:\temp\ext27692\setup.exe
TimeZone = Pacific Daylight Time
Initial LCID = 1033
Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
Operation: Installing
Package Name = Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update
Package Version = 3.0.20406.0
User Experience Data Collection Policy: AlwaysUploaded
Number of applicable items: 5
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetWebPages.msi) Installation succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetWebPages.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetWebPagesVS2010Tools.msi) Installation succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetWebPagesVS2010Tools.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetMVC3.msi) Installation succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetMVC3.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetMVC3VS2010Tools.msi) Installation succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetMVC3VS2010Tools.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\NuGet.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_NuGet.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetMVC3VS2010Tools.msi) Uninstall succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetMVC3VS2010Tools.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetMVC3.msi) Uninstall succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetMVC3.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetWebPagesVS2010Tools.msi) Uninstall succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetWebPagesVS2010Tools.msi.txt
MSI (c:\temp\ext27692\AspNetWebPages.msi) Uninstall succeeded. Msi Log: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update_20120618_145125927-MSI_AspNetWebPages.msi.txt
Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:14:10).

I tried to do the fix here but it is not working for me.

Progress of installer

I get a bit further than what you see in the above screenshot as it seems to hit what I think is nuget and then instantly rollbacks. It happens so fast I can't get a good look.

I do have Visual Studios 2010 SP1 installed.
asked on Stack Overflow Jun 18, 2012 by chobo2

4 Answers


How I got mine to work:

  1. Downloaded and ran the AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe, let it extract the files but do not accept the license terms and click install
  2. This created the folder C:\temp\ext27692 and within this folder are all the required installation files and configuration used in the installation. If you view the contents of the folder you'll notice there is a nuget.msi installation file. Note, VS on your computer already has the latest version so no need to install this.
  3. Quickly make a copy of the folder C:\temp\ext27692, while execution in point 1 is still running and then click Cancel. This will rollback and delete what it created.
  4. Within the copy of the C:\temp\ext27692 you made in point 3, locate the file parameterinfo.xml and open it using a text editor
  5. Locate the following lines within the opened parameterinfo.xml file and delete them

    <MSI CanonicalTargetName="NuGet"
                <MsiProductVersion ProductCode="Self" />
                        <LessThanOrEqualTo LeftHandSide="30319.01" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                            <RegKeyValue Location="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\vstscore\Version"/>
                        <LessThanOrEqualTo LeftHandSide="30319.01" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                            <RegKeyValue Location="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\vstdcore\Version"/>
                    <LessThanOrEqualTo LeftHandSide="30319.01" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                        <RegKeyValue Location="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\procore\Version"/>
                <LessThanOrEqualTo LeftHandSide="30319.01" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                    <RegKeyValue Location="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\vns\Servicing\10.0\xcor\Version"/>
            <InstallAction IfPresent="noop" IfAbsent="install" />
            <UninstallAction IfPresent="uninstall" IfAbsent="noop" />
            <RepairAction IfPresent="repair" IfAbsent="install" />
  6. Save the parameterinfo.xml

  7. Within the copy of the C:\temp\ext27692 you made, now locate the file setup.exe and execute it.

This will install MVC3 but not the old version of the NuGet.

answered on Stack Overflow May 7, 2013 by lsumuri • edited Jan 27, 2017 by jpaugh

You may need to check several options:

  1. Check the control panel for installed versions of MVC framework
  2. Follow the uninstall in descending order like 5-4-3
  3. Try the following order when having nuget errors
  • Uninstall Nuget
  • Install MVC
  • Install latest nuget

NOTE: In addition to ASP.NET MVC3, if you have latest versions of MVC (4,5,6) you should remember to uninstall them by descending order.

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 19, 2012 by Yusubov • edited Jun 23, 2017 by Yusubov
  1. Uninstall MVC 4 using Control Panel.
  2. Install MVC 3 using stand-alone installer: (AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe).
  3. Install MVC 4 using Web Platform Installer.

It works for me. I did not touch NuGet.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 25, 2013 by Evgeni Nabokov • edited Jul 15, 2013 by Evgeni Nabokov

IF you have also previously installed ASP.NET MVC4, I also had to uninstall Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages from Control Panel -> Programs.

I then installed using web platform installer, and it all worked!

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 8, 2013 by maurocam

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