regasm registry error


I enter this:

regasm COMTest.dll /tlb:COMTest.tlb /codebase COMTest

And I get the following error:

An error occurred while registering the exported type library: Error accessing the OLE registry. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801C (TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS))

What does it mean, how do I fix it?

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 15, 2012 by Graham

2 Answers


Found solution - I thought I was administrator, but it seems that I have to run cmd as adminstrator. (Right click cmd and select that option)

You learn something new everyday :-)

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 15, 2012 by Graham

You can also get this if you mistype the filepath/name of the tlb file parameter. My coworker was using the following: regasm dummy.dll /tlb:dummy.dll /codebase and got the same error.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 13, 2012 by Matt Balent

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