I have a strange problem. this method is called without any problem on the simulator but when on real device it cashes at:
[self presentViewController:twitter animated:YES completion:nil];
this is the method:
- (IBAction)DeveloperTwitter:(id)sender {
NSString* tweet = @"some tweet goes here..";
if ([TWTweetComposeViewController canSendTweet]) {
TWTweetComposeViewController *twitter = [[TWTweetComposeViewController alloc] init];
[twitter setInitialText:tweet];
[self presentViewController:twitter animated:YES completion:nil];
twitter.completionHandler = ^(TWTweetComposeViewControllerResult res) {
if(res == TWTweetComposeViewControllerResultDone) {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"تم بنجاح" message:@"شكرا لك ، تم نشر التغريدة" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"شكرًا" otherButtonTitles: nil];
[alert show];
alert = nil;
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
else {
tweet = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", @"http://twitter.com/home?status=", tweet];
tweet = [tweet stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: tweet]];
I'm calling the method from a normal UIViewController. my device is running: iOS 5.1
here is a a crash log from my device
Exception Codes: 0x00000102, 0x2fe9ad14
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.CPLogging.settingsQueue
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 CoreFoundation 0x3544ee4c 0x3544d000 + 7756
1 AppSupport 0x366f5a28 0x366d5000 + 133672
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x343957e0 0x34393000 + 10208
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x34395640 0x34393000 + 9792
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x34395260 0x34393000 + 8800
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x3439590a 0x34393000 + 10506
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x34397618 0x34393000 + 17944
7 AppSupport 0x366f6378 0x366d5000 + 136056
8 ManagedConfiguration 0x32673a7e 0x32670000 + 14974
9 libdispatch.dylib 0x34397618 0x34393000 + 17944
10 ManagedConfiguration 0x32673aca 0x32670000 + 15050
11 ManagedConfiguration 0x32674486 0x32670000 + 17542
12 ManagedConfiguration 0x32674b8a 0x32670000 + 19338
13 FTServices 0x37baaae4 0x37b94000 + 92900
14 FTServices 0x37baa85c 0x37b94000 + 92252
15 FTServices 0x37baa7de 0x37b94000 + 92126
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x34397618 0x34393000 + 17944
17 FTServices 0x37baa78c 0x37b94000 + 92044
18 IMAVCore 0x34709372 0x34703000 + 25458
19 IMAVCore 0x34728716 0x34703000 + 153366
20 IMAVCore 0x347286a2 0x34703000 + 153250
21 libdispatch.dylib 0x34397618 0x34393000 + 17944
22 IMAVCore 0x34728650 0x34703000 + 153168
23 UIKit 0x332d09ce 0x32f37000 + 3774926
24 UIKit 0x332d0b7e 0x32f37000 + 3775358
25 UIKit 0x332d0e22 0x32f37000 + 3776034
26 UIKit 0x331ecebe 0x32f37000 + 2842302
27 UIKit 0x3302b666 0x32f37000 + 1001062
28 UIKit 0x330295e8 0x32f37000 + 992744
29 UIKit 0x330283a0 0x32f37000 + 988064
30 UIKit 0x32fb7f5a 0x32f37000 + 528218
31 UIKit 0x32f5d494 0x32f37000 + 156820
32 UIKit 0x32f3f0f8 0x32f37000 + 33016
33 UIKit 0x32f3ee54 0x32f37000 + 32340
34 UIKit 0x32f3e990 0x32f37000 + 31120
35 UIKit 0x330d7e9a 0x32f37000 + 1707674
36 UIKit 0x33020a18 0x32f37000 + 956952
37 UIKit 0x32f3ba80 0x32f37000 + 19072
38 UIKit 0x32f3cd82 0x32f37000 + 23938
39 UIKit 0x32f3d806 0x32f37000 + 26630
40 UIKit 0x32f3d370 0x32f37000 + 25456
41 UIKit 0x32fd3ff6 0x32f37000 + 643062
42 UIKit 0x3301dbfe 0x32f37000 + 945150
43 UIKit 0x3301c360 0x32f37000 + 938848
44 ع. المسلسلات 0x000a397a 0x9a000 + 39290
45 UIKit 0x33074614 0x32f37000 + 1299988
46 CoreFoundation 0x354603f6 0x3544d000 + 78838
47 UIKit 0x32f55e00 0x32f37000 + 126464
48 UIKit 0x32f55dbc 0x32f37000 + 126396
49 UIKit 0x32f55d9a 0x32f37000 + 126362
50 UIKit 0x32f55b0a 0x32f37000 + 125706
51 UIKit 0x32f56442 0x32f37000 + 128066
52 UIKit 0x32f54924 0x32f37000 + 121124
53 UIKit 0x32f54312 0x32f37000 + 119570
54 UIKit 0x32f3a68e 0x32f37000 + 13966
55 UIKit 0x32f39f34 0x32f37000 + 12084
56 GraphicsServices 0x370f9224 0x370f4000 + 21028
57 CoreFoundation 0x354da51c 0x3544d000 + 578844
58 CoreFoundation 0x354da4be 0x3544d000 + 578750
59 CoreFoundation 0x354d930c 0x3544d000 + 574220
60 CoreFoundation 0x3545c49e 0x3544d000 + 62622
61 CoreFoundation 0x3545c366 0x3544d000 + 62310
62 GraphicsServices 0x370f8432 0x370f4000 + 17458
63 UIKit 0x32f68cce 0x32f37000 + 203982
64 ع. المسلسلات 0x0009ba7c 0x9a000 + 6780
65 ع. المسلسلات 0x0009ba20 0x9a000 + 6688
After hours and hours of searching I finally found a solution!
problem solved!
I 'miserably' run into the solution in a google group after hours of searching.
Hmmm.... I think it might be a better way to use:
self presentModalViewController:
than what you are doing right now. Also instead of using a completion handler / block try implementing the delegate methods. Look at the documentation here.
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