How can I use msbuild to add a security certificate that I can use in IIS


I have this target

<Target Name = "AddLocalCertificate">       
    <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Security.Certificate TaskAction="Add" FileName="$(CertificateLocation)" CertPassword="$(CertificatePassword)">           
        <Output TaskParameter="Thumbprint" PropertyName="CertificateHash"/>             

and in another target this binding statement

  TaskAction="Add" MachineName="$(MachineName)" Name="$(SiteName)" BindingInformation="*:$(HttpsPort):$(SiteName)" BindingProtocol="https"/>

However when I run the targets I get the error

Creating binding with certificate: thumb print 'DBE4964B4C4D0F185E8B1D421D736390AE586EBF' in stor e 'MY' C:\Projects\RC19_Release2\ExternalBinaries\MSBuildGlobalFiles\ManageWebsite.targets(154,3): error : COMException: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (Exce ption from HRESULT: 0x80070520)\r C:\Projects\RC19_Release2\ExternalBinaries\MSBuildGlobalFiles\ManageWebsite.targets(154,3): error :

When I look in IIS it has created the site and the binding is there, but it does not seem to be able to find the certificate, and if I look in the "Server Certificates" on IIS then I cannot see my certificate.

If I do MMC -> certificate snap in and go to Current User then I can see my cert in there.

How do I either access that certificate from within IIS/msbuild or have msbuild create it in the correct place for IIS to be happy?

The msbuild extension help page is this but it has not helped me much!


asked on Stack Overflow May 9, 2012 by Loofer • edited May 10, 2012 by Loofer

1 Answer


Well I got it working... clearly no one cares but me :D

The substantive change was to add Exportable="True" MachineStore="True" to the certificate add task like so

<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Security.Certificate TaskAction="Add" Exportable="True" MachineStore="True" FileName="$(CertificateLocation)" CertPassword="$(CertificatePassword)">         
        <Output TaskParameter="Thumbprint" PropertyName="CertificateHash"/>             

and all is good in the world once again.

answered on Stack Overflow May 10, 2012 by Loofer

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