object invoked has disconnected from its clients


I've started getting the following exception while debugging a 32bit MFC C++ app under VS2010 SP1, Windows 7 64. While I can easily ignore it, I'm just wondering what it is.

First-chance exception at 0x751eb9bc in SCCW.exe: 0x80010108: The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.

A similar question and a google search suggest its automation related, and while my app supports automation, it isn't doing anything automation related at the time. The stack frame for the active thread does not show anything much, all system DLLS (ntdll.dll,rpcrt4.dll,ole32.dll). I've been debugging the same app on the same system for a long time and only started seeing this recent, so just wondering why. Any ideas, and can it be safely ignored?

asked on Stack Overflow May 9, 2012 by SmacL • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

1 Answer


This will be some other executable that gets loaded in. It could be something that has windows hooks etc such as a virus scanner, or it could be a shell extension. Look up what SCCW is. If it is something you don't need on your system, uninstall it.

It should be safe to ignore, and you can prevent the application from stopping in the debugger by adding the exception type and telling VS not to stop on it.

Debug | Exceptions...

Then under Win32 Exceptions untick "80010108 Server Disconnected from clients".

answered on Stack Overflow May 9, 2012 by Pete

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