SignTool Error: ISignedCode::Sign returned error: 0x80092006


I'm signing an EXE program with a certificate issued by a trusted CA. I'm using signtool.exe from the Windows SDK v6.0a.

The certificate is located in the computer store and it is in the "Personals" folder.

My command line is :

sign /sm /n "My company" /d MyProductName /du "C:\Setup\setup.exe"

When I run this command on the command line, it works fine. When I run this command in a batch process (called by a webservice, so there is no user logged in when the command is executed), the following error occur :

Number of errors: 1 SignTool Error: ISignedCode::Sign returned error: 0x80092006 No provider was specified for the store or object.

Anybody can help on this ?

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 25, 2009 by Sebastien • edited Jul 16, 2009 by Steven Sudit

5 Answers


The problem is that your service process cannot access your private key, which is stored under your account.

Log on into the account that is running the web service and import the private key into a key container. You can do this for example using the strong name tool (sn.exe) of .NET:

sn -i MyCertificate.pfx MyCodeSigningKey

Now, change your build script to use this key container:

signtool sign /sm /a /v /csp "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" /kc MyCodeSigningKey <other parameters...>

/kc specifies the key container. /kc requires that you specify the "CSP" (Cryptographic Service Provider) via the /csp switch. "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" is the default provider used by sn.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 27, 2010 by oefe • edited Jan 7, 2013 by Peter Mortensen

I've [just now, just once] experienced the same condition (immediately after a successful invocation with the same parameters except on a different MSI file). Rerunning succeeded on the next execution of the build script. Also using, like you

/sm /d /du
Not using
Additionally using

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 23, 2009 by Ruben Bartelink

To save someone time, I had this problem. It turned out my certificate somehow got corrupted. After I removed it from the certificate store and imported it again, the problem went away. I'd suggest creating the PFX file all over or copying it from a location where you know it is not corrupted.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 24, 2012 by coder_2007 • edited Jan 7, 2013 by Peter Mortensen

I've had this problem as well. Still not quite sure what caused it since I never had the time to find out. The thing I found was that the private key went missing!?

I did what coder_2007 suggests and it worked for one complete automated build but the next one would give the same error. So something on my build server broke the private key after a complete build (including several signed applications).

What I finally ended up doing was, immediately after importing the PFX, to go to %allusersprofile%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys and write protect the latest file (the one that match the time of import).

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 22, 2013 by Andreas Magnusson

This can happen if your windows password is changed after the certificate was installed. Changing the password back to what it was will fix it. If you can't do that you'll need to reinstall the certificate.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 17, 2016 by SilentBlob

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