Powershell access lists in Active Directory


I have a function GrantGenericRead that works when I create an object $ouUnixGroups in the same run. I'm trying to figure out how to get an object out of AD that I can run GrantGenericRead on, but it seems when I try this every way I know how (adsi, lookup using .Path), I can't access some property of the object to set it. I would love for someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong.

This code works when it's all run at the same time:

function CreateADGroup([string] $server, [string] $name, [string] $container, [string] $gtype)
    $objClass = "group";
    $strCn = GetCn -name $name -objClass $objClass;
    $objDsGroup  = CreateDsObject -server $server -container $container -name $name -objClass $objClass 
    [Void] $objDsGroup.Put("sAMAccountName", $name)
    if ($gtype -eq "global")
        # Global Distribution Group 
        [Void] $objDsGroup.Put("groupType", 0x80000002)
    elseif ($gtype -eq "dlg")
        # Domain Local Distribution Group  
        [Void] $objDsGroup.Put("groupType", 0x80000004)
    elseif ($gtype -eq "uni")
        # Universal Security Group 
        [Void] $objDsGroup.Put("groupType", 0x80000008)
        Write-Host("Invalid group type {0}" -f $gtype)
    return $objDsGroup

function CreateDsObject([string] $server, [string] $container, [string] $name, [string] $objClass)
$strConatinerPath = GetLdapPath -server $server -dn $container
$objContainer = [adsi] $strConatinerPath
$strChildCn = GetCn -name $name -objClass $objClass
$strChildDn = "{0},{1}" -f $strChildCn, $container
$strChildPath = GetLdapPath -server $server -dn $strChildDn
$objChildEntry = $objContainer.Create($objClass, $strChildCn)
    return $objChildEntry

function GrantGenericRead($dsTrustee, $dsResources)
    $strSid = GetSid -dsObj $dsTrustee
    $objSid = New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($strSid)
    $ace = New-Object DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule($objSid, $AD_RIGHT::GenericRead, $AC_TYPE::Allow)
    [Void] $dsResources.psbase.ObjectSecurity.AddAccessRule($ace)
    [Void] $dsResources.psbase.CommitChanges()

function GetSid($dsObj)
    $dn = $dsObj.distinguishedName.Value
    $binary = $dsObj.psbase.Properties["objectSid"].Value
    $sid = New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($binary, 0)
    return $sid.ToString()

$adminContainerDn = "OU=Zone Administration,{0}" -f   $adminContainer.Get("distinguishedName") #returns OU=Zone Administration,OU=asdfasdf,DC=baldur,DC=vm
$ouUnixGroups   = CreateDsObject -server $server -container $ouDN -name $strOuUnixGroups   -objClass "OrganizationalUnit"
$joinOps = CreateADGroup -server $server -name "Join Operators" -container $adminContainerDn -gtype "global"

GrantGenericRead -dsTrustee $joinOps -dsResources $ouUnixGroups

What I'm trying to accomplish is being able to modify $joinOps and $ouUnixGroups from scripts that don't create them. How do I access them? I can get the sid, but that doesn't seem to help me, unless I'm missing something really key here.

GrantGenericRead -dsTrustee $joinOps -dsResources [adsi]$ouUnixGroups.Path

I'm pulling some of these lines out of an installer script that I have posted on http://pastebin.com/uF3nrDuw if anyone would like to have a look. u

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 5, 2012 by matt

1 Answer


You can just try :

GrantGenericRead -dsTrustee [adsi]"cn=Agroup,ou=AnOU,dc=dompn,dc=domp0" -dsResources [adsi]"ou=theUnixOU,ou=AnOtherOU,dc=dompn,dc=domp0"
answered on Stack Overflow Apr 5, 2012 by JPBlanc

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