I'm having a lot of problem here trying to start the development of a new website. We have an external host running on Windows (our client already have a website on the root - we end up not having control over the server environment). I installed Wordpress through FTP and installed the db, and everything was fine and working, but the website was REALLY slow, and I was trying to install a template but I was getting some errors suggesting a lack of capacity from the server. So I used php.ini to "upgrade" some settings, like memory_limit, execution_time etc. After that, I was finally able to install the template.
However, I couldn't install some plugins, and the development was really slow... at some point, Wordpress warned me the server was running PHP 5.2, and that I should update it (of course). Unfortunately, as I said, we're using an external host with its on system and dashboard, and I had to use that dashboard, so the host would automatically take care of the update. Again, I have no control over the environment.
When I tried to update it (I tried several times, to versions 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6), the Wordpress stoped loading at all, every page and access, and it displays IIS errors... I'll paste some text from these errors below:
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
c:\php56\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exited unexpectedly
Detailed Error Information:
Module FastCgiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler PHP-FastCGI
Error Code 0xc0000005
Requested URL http://www.agiltecnet.com.br:80/novositesmall/wp-admin/index.php
Physical Path E:\home\agiltecnet\agiltecnet.com.br\web\novositesmall\wp-admin\index.php
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
after getting support from the host technicians, it started to display this error:
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
<handler> scriptProcessor could not be found in <fastCGI> application configuration
Detailed Error Information:
Module FastCgiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler PHP-FastCGI
Error Code 0x80070585
Requested URL http://www.agiltecnet.com.br:80/novositesmall/wp-admin/index.php
Physical Path E:\home\agiltecnet\agiltecnet.com.br\web\novositesmall\wp-admin\index.php
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
Can someone please shed a light on this?
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