Hi all I seem to have an issue with DPM since I have changed over to new local disk storage. I have looked on the TechNet wiki here and the error we are getting is not listed - 30231.
I have changed local storage before and used DPMSync to reallocate protection groups space and after a consistency check, backups resume. This time all backups are working as usual apart from the Exchange Backup. Agent on the DPM server and Exchange server are both version 4.2.1594.0.
I have tried stopping protection for the group, whilst retaining data to keep online data, and this has not helped. I have seen this as a solution elsewhere, but very little else on this error.
Here is some of the error log, its a large log so I've only taken a few snippets that have errors in.
0EB4 2494 08/23 15:47:34.481 27 FindPrincipalServerBlock.cs(249) 5FD400E4-F8D7-46C3-8506-346275EAE85C NORMAL Found Principal server for DatasourceId = 15ac89e2-c5fa-49a6-9469-3b5a8b163113 Server= <SERVERNAME>
0EB4 1818 08/23 15:47:34.675 18 fsutils.cpp(4046) WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)
0EB4 1C20 08/23 15:47:35.802 27 FsmBlock.cs(178) 5FD400E4-F8D7-46C3-8506-346275EAE85C WARNING Backup.ReplicaPreBackupBlock : RAPreBackup, StatusReason = Error (StatusCode = -2137454109, ErrorCode = VSSDatasourceCaptionMismatch, workitem = 26865e42-efaa-4a43-8841-b44f2da04fd4)
0EB4 1C20 08/23 15:47:35.802 27 FsmBlock.cs(178) 5FD400E4-F8D7-46C3-8506-346275EAE85C WARNING <Status xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/dls/StatusMessages.xsd" StatusCode="-2137454109" Reason="Error" CommandID="RAPreBackup" CommandInstanceID="b726ee56-e0ac-40a1-b23f-f134f6b747cc" GuidWorkItem="26865e42-efaa-4a43-8841-b44f2da04fd4" TETaskInstanceID="5fd400e4-f8d7-46c3-8506-346275eae85c"><ErrorInfo xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/dls/GenericAgentStatus.xsd" ErrorCode="30231" DetailedCode="-2137454109" DetailedSource="2"><Parameter Name="AgentTargetServer" Value="<SERVERNAME>"/></ErrorInfo><RAStatus><RAPreBackup xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/dls/ArchiveAgent/StatusMessages.xsd"><BackupTime>131479768557280000</BackupTime><RAPreBackupSubTaskStatus>Completed</RAPreBackupSubTaskStatus><DSStatus><ComponentName>29f315c6-0df0-4e08-ae1e-39b32614f3c5</ComponentName><LogicalPath>Microsoft Exchange Server\Microsoft Information Store\<SERVERNAME></LogicalPath><BackupStamp></BackupStamp><Metadata></Metadata></DSStatus></RAPreBackup></RAStatus></Status>
0EB4 1C20 08/23 15:47:35.819 27 FsmBlock.cs(130) 5FD400E4-F8D7-46C3-8506-346275EAE85C WARNING Backup.ReplicaPreBackupBlock : <-- Exited FSM block with FAILURE (errorCode = VSSDatasourceCaptionMismatch) ErrorInfo = VSSDatasourceCaptionMismatch
0EB4 16D8 08/23 15:47:38.990 27 BackupMachine.cs(2185) 5FD400E4-F8D7-46C3-8506-346275EAE85C WARNING BackupMachine : FAILURE - BACKUP, errorCode=VSSDatasourceCaptionMismatch
0EB4 16D8 08/23 15:47:38.991 01 TaskInstance.cs(803) 5FD400E4-F8D7-46C3-8506-346275EAE85C WARNING <q1:ErrorInfo ErrorCode="30231" DetailedCode="-2137454109" DetailedSource="2" ExceptionDetails="" xmlns:q1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/dls/GenericAgentStatus.xsd">
If anyone can help uncover this that would be great.
EDIT - Not sure what has changed but now its throwing 30127 errors, these too are not on any documentation I can find.
Turns out this is a bit of an ambiguous error code; however, in a certain section of the SCDPM interface it says the caption is incorrect. Someone our end has updated the Exchange database name so its easier to query - spaces removed and shortened - and DPM does not auto refresh server changes, even when recreating a protection group.
I stopped protection, created a new protection group and then refreshed the host details. This picked up the new name of the database and the backup consistency check is current still running whereas before it would fail after 5 seconds.
EDIT - I should have noticed this with the whole VSSDatasourceCaptionMismatch
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