GPO not applied, gpresult /R OK -- scheduled task not created


I've made a GPO that make a scheduled task. This scheduled task access to a network share to execute a powershell program that will delete some mails in outlook. Script is OK.

It's a User GPO. enter image description here

When i launch a gpupdate /force, scheduled task does not appears but the GPO appears to be executed in gpresult /R. It works only when i connect to computer with a user that have admin rights on computer.

id 4098 element user GPO was not applied because or error 0x80070005 acces denied.

Here the entire error message (in french) enter image description here

Any idea? thank.

asked on Server Fault Feb 20, 2017 by Alex Lum • edited Feb 20, 2017 by EEAA

1 Answer


Found the issue.

Used this :

To avoid this issue, do not enable the "Run in logged-on user’s security context (user policy option)” Common option when configuring user GPP Scheduled Tasks items.

The security context under which the Scheduled Task will run once it has been deployed can be specified in the General settings tab when creating the User GPP Scheduled Task item:

User Configuration\Preferences\Control Panel Settings\Scheduled Tasks\New\"Scheduled Task (Windows Vista and later)"


Security Options -> "When running the task, use the following user account:"

By default, this is set to: %LogonDomain%\%LogonUser%

This is where the security context under which the scheduled task will run should be configured.

answered on Server Fault Feb 20, 2017 by Alex Lum • edited Feb 20, 2017 by Katherine Villyard

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