0x8024401c on all new WSUS clients


I keep getting the error 0x8024401c on all new clients connecting to WSUS. (Only Windows 10 and Server 2016)

According to Google, this error results to "WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT" but I can ping the server and access the /ClientWebService/client.asmx from the failing client.

Anyone got an idea how to fix this?

Should I be worried about those 1601/01/01 Dates?

2017/02/03 12:09:39.7930127 1868  8528  WebServices     WS error: There was an error communicating with the endpoint at 'http://wsus.fqdn:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx'.
2017/02/03 12:09:39.7930135 1868  8528  WebServices     WS error: There was an error receiving the HTTP reply.
2017/02/03 12:09:39.7930143 1868  8528  WebServices     WS error: The operation did not complete within the time allotted.
2017/02/03 12:09:39.7930150 1868  8528  WebServices     WS error: The operation timed out
2017/02/03 12:09:39.7930162 1868  8528  WebServices     Web service call failed with hr = 8024401c.
2017/02/03 12:09:39.7930162 1868  8528  WebServices     Current service auth scheme=0.
2017/02/03 12:09:39.7930166 1868  8528  WebServices     Current Proxy auth scheme=0.
2017/02/03 12:09:41.7937260 1868  8528  WebServices     Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
1601/01/01 01:00:00.0000000 1868  8528                  Unknown( 49): GUID=2fc03aa6-a1fa-3d0c-ba09-b8539ec28a26 (No Format Information found).
1601/01/01 01:00:00.0000000 1868  8528                  Unknown( 57): GUID=2fc03aa6-a1fa-3d0c-ba09-b8539ec28a26 (No Format Information found).
1601/01/01 01:00:00.0000000 1868  8528                  Unknown( 11): GUID=2fc03aa6-a1fa-3d0c-ba09-b8539ec28a26 (No Format Information found).


After almost a Month without google-success, it somehow works again. Maybe a Patch fixed it. If I find anything, I'll post here the results.

asked on Server Fault Feb 3, 2017 by MicroScripter • edited Feb 10, 2017 by MicroScripter

2 Answers


Yes I am seeing this now with our MDT deployments as well. I have confirmed that WSUS is working and synchronizing. Happening with my Server 2016 deployments. Not happening with a Server 2012 R2 deployment.

The log file for MDT shows this FAILURE (Err): -2145107940 0x8024401C: Windows Update, search for updates. -

This happens on the first windows update pass. The post application pass seems to work.

answered on Server Fault Feb 7, 2017 by RobC
  1. Try running this on the problem-clients:

wuauclt /reportnow

wuauclt /detectnow

  1. Make sure that patches did not alter any firewall settings.
answered on Server Fault Dec 5, 2017 by Overmind

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