Import Module from newer Powershell Version


I was asking myself if I could import PowerShell modules from a newer Windows version.

The *-NetAdapter CMDLets in Windows 8 and 8.1 are quite nice, so I wanted to use 'em in Windows 7 too. Unfortunately they need PowerShell 4.0. I managed to upgrade my local PowerShell and found out that it doesn't include the CMDlets. I found the location of the module on Windows 8 and copied to my Windows 7 machine. When I try to use Get-NetAdapter on Windows 7, I get an error. The error is the following:

 Get-NetAdapter : invalid namespace
  + CategoryInfo          : MetadataError: (MSFT_NetAdapter:ROOT/StandardCim
  v2/MSFT_NetAdapter) [Get-NetAdapter], CimException
  + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x8004100e,Get-NetAdapter

Is there a way to make this, or other newer CMDLets from Windows 8/Server 2012, available on Windows 7/Server 2008?

asked on Server Fault Nov 18, 2014 by Sascha R. • edited Nov 18, 2014 by jscott

1 Answer


No, you can't do this. Many of the PowerShell modules rely on OS-specific WMI namespaces. As these are not present in Windows 7, the modules cannot be imported.

Powershell MVP Richard Siddaway details this in his blog.

answered on Server Fault Nov 18, 2014 by jscott

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