OWA Exception message: Cannot submit message


One of our user was trying to send a message to two externals recipients from OWA. The message wasn't sent, and an error message popped up in top of the window :

Url: https://xxx.lan:443/owa/ev.owa?oeh=1&ns=EditMessage&ev=Send
User host address: 192.168.x.x
User: DH IDA
EX Address: /o=xxx/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=dh.ida
SMTP Address: xxx@xxx
OWA version: 14.2.318.4
Mailbox server: xxxx

Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InvalidRecipientsException
Exception message: Cannot submit message.

Call stack

à Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.CoreItem.Submit(SubmitMessageFlags submitFlags) à Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MessageItem.InternalSend(StoreObjectId saveSentMessageFolder, SubmitMessageFlags submitFlags) à Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Premium.EditMessageEventHandler.ProcessMessageRequest(MessageAction action)

Inner Exception
Exception type: Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionInvalidRecipients
Exception message: MapiExceptionInvalidRecipients: Unable to submit message. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1127) Diagnostic context: Lid: 55847 EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc called [length=46] Lid: 43559 EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc returned [ec=0x0][length=192][latency=0] Lid: 23226 --- ROP Parse Start --- Lid: 27962 ROP: ropSubmitMessage [50] Lid: 17082 ROP Error: 0x467 Lid: 27745 Lid: 21921 StoreEc: 0x467 Lid: 27962 ROP: ropExtendedError [250] Lid: 1494 ---- Remote Context Beg ---- Lid: 26426 ROP: ropSubmitMessage [50] Lid: 31297 Lid: 28033 StoreEc: 0x467 Lid: 31617 Lid: 4889 StoreEc: 0x467 Lid: 38787 StoreEc: 0x467 Lid: 1750 ---- Remote Context End ---- Lid: 26849 Lid: 21817 ROP Failure: 0x467 Lid: 60547 StoreEc: 0x467 Lid: 21966 Lid: 30158 StoreEc: 0x467 

Call stack

à Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(String message, Int32 hresult, SafeExInterfaceHandle iUnknown, Exception innerException) à Microsoft.Mapi.MapiMessage.SubmitMessageEx(SubmitMessageExFlags submitMessageExFlags) à Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.CoreItem.Submit(SubmitMessageFlags submitFlags)

It was working last week for the same recipients.

After some tests (send/receive internal/external messages) without any issue, I've started to googling it but found nearly nothing about this exception.

asked on Server Fault Jul 21, 2014 by cJu • edited Jul 21, 2014 by cJu

1 Answer


After analyzing external recipients, I've found that one of them has a special character in his email addresse : 'ç' (not the case on the shown name in recipient field)!

OWA cannot just say something like "invalid recipient address" !?

Hope it can help someday.

answered on Server Fault Jul 23, 2014 by cJu

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