I have been working on configuring a network bootable virus removal suite, and I am using the Windows Defender WinPE iso generated from using this 64-bit tool. The tool downloads and creates an ISO for you. I extract the ISO in order to get the source boot.wim file and I make the following edits with the DISM tool:
Once all that is done, I transfer the boot.wim file to my Windows Deployment Server and add it as a boot image. Clients are now able to boot into the environment, here is the process:
Client Network Boot > DHCP Request > PXE Boot Screen > Windows Deployment Services > Virus Removal Environment
Once the client machine is booted into this environment, you can scan your computer or update the virus definitions, but any time I try to update the definitions, it fails due to a network error and gives me the error code 0x80004005.
Things I have tried:
error code)ipconfig /release & ipconfig /renew
while in the environmentAny research of the two error codes given has been somewhat unsuccessful, they seem to be more of general windows update / networking errors. Unless someone is seeing something I didn't.
So with all of that given information, my question is: Why is my Network Bootable WDO environment not able to update?
Any insight is appreciated, let me know if you need additional information
This was such an AWESOME idea that I had to try it myself. What I did was:
Mine works flawlessly, successfully updating the definitions and auto-running Windows Defender without making me press a key. I'm going to guess that either you're missing a network card driver or that something else got mangled while you were adding and removing files, as those are the only things we did differently.
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