How to shutdown remote Win2k8 machine using WMIC?


What is the exact syntax to shutdown remote Win2k8 server using WMIC?

(The reason WMIC must be used is because the remote machine in a different NT Domain and the local machine does not have access to that domain. WMIC takes /user: and /password: parameters and auths against remote machine itself.)

These don't work:

wmic /node:10.162.x.x /user:tech1\xxxx /password:xxxx os call Shutdown

Executing (Win32_OperatingSystem)->Shutdown()

ERROR: Code = 0x8004102f Description = Invalid method Parameter(s)

Facility = WMI

wmic /node:10.162.x.x /user:tech1\xxxx /password:xxxx os call Shutdown(1)

Verb Or Method has no input parameters.

wmic /node:10.162.x.x /user:tech1\xxxx /password:xxxx os call Win32Shutdown(1)

Executing (Win32_OperatingSystem)->Win32Shutdown()


Code = 0x8004102f

Description = Invalid method Parameter(s)

Facility = WMI

wmic /node:10.162.x.x /user:tech1\xxxx /password:xxxx path Win32_OperatingSystem call Shutdown(1)

Verb Or Method has no input parameters.

wmic /node:10.162.x.x /user:tech1\xxxx /password:xxxx path Win32_OperatingSystem call Shutdown

Executing (Win32_OperatingSystem)->Shutdown()

ERROR: Code = 0x8004102f Description = Invalid method Parameter(s) Facility = WMI

asked on Server Fault Jun 28, 2010 by zvolkov • edited Jun 11, 2020 by Community

4 Answers


I don't know why WMIC wont work, but the powershell version does work:

$cred = get-credential tech1\xxxxx
(gwmi -comp 10.162.x.x -cred $cred Win32_OperatingSystem).Shutdown()

You'll be prompted for the password, there's no way around it prompting you for the password.

answered on Server Fault Jun 29, 2010 by Chris S

the 1st one but you need a space between the ipaddress and the /user:

add a where clause

something like

wmic os where "version like '%'" call win32shutdown 2

answered on Server Fault Jun 28, 2010 by tony roth • edited Jun 29, 2010 by tony roth
wmic /node: "machinename" os where primary="true" call shutdown

Must have space after : Must have quotes around machinename and true

use /user:username between machinename and os if you need to authenticate

answered on Server Fault May 7, 2013 by Allen • edited May 7, 2013 by Stephane

Try this

WMIC /node:COMPUTER process call create “cmd.exe /c shutdown”
answered on Server Fault May 6, 2019 by Cédric Jäggi • edited May 6, 2019 by womble

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