Windows Updates Fails Server 2008 0x80070490


I have a server with Windows Server 2008 Standard x64 Edition installed. This has been installed and running for several months and I have been able to successfully install previous Windows Updates. I have two pending updates that fail to install.

  • (KB967723) Security update for Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition

  • (KB976098) Update for Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition

alt text

Fails with Error code: 80070490

Followed this off Microsoft support site, which basically says to repair Windows with the install DVD. When I get to the step to select upgrade I get the following error.

Upgrade has been disabled. The upgrade cannot be started. To upgrade, cancel the installation and then choose to upgrade to a version of windows that is more recent then the version you are currently running.

So basically feel like I've hit a dead end with out doing a complete reinstall. Any ideas ?

asked on Server Fault Jan 11, 2010 by Mark • edited Mar 8, 2017 by Community

2 Answers


I happened to be researching this same error code this morning, and came across this MSDN blog post that might help: How to overcome error 0x80070490 when installing updates in Windows Vista/Server 2008

I was not able to get it working again by following his step-by-step, but the following did:

  1. Open %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log. You'll likely need to run Notepad as Administrator in order to view it.
  2. Go to the bottom of the log and do a find for "Error", making sure you choose up for the direction
  3. This should bring you to one or more errors like the following:

    2008-09-27 15:53:29, Error
    CBS Failed to resolve Package: Package_for_KB905866~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ hr: 0x80070490

  4. Do a web search for the KB number of the update that failed (KB905866 in this case), which should bring you to a Microsoft page where you can download the stand-alone installer for this issue's patch

  5. Download and install the appropriate version (32-bit, 64-bit, etc.)
  6. The next time you run Windows Update, it will recognize that the update was installed.
answered on Server Fault Jan 11, 2010 by berberich

You can also run the System Update Readiness Tool which fixed error 80070490 for me on my Dell Server.

answered on Server Fault Jan 12, 2010 by Hilton D

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