First I am learning DirectX 11 from Frank Luna book I came to the part where I need to create the device, but it gives the error: "0x887a002d: The application requested an operation that depends on an SDK component that is missing or mismatched." I kept searching, I tried deferent [...] read more
I just started studying direct 3d with the book 3D Game Programming with DirectX11. I followed the first tutorial and got a MessageBox saying "D3D11CreateDevice Failed". I checked the return value of this function and got the garbage value of -2005270483. The hexadecimal value of 0x887a002d, which people say it's [...] read more
I get this error: D3D11CreateDevice: Flags (0x2) were specified which require the D3D11 SDK Layers for Windows 10, but they are not present on the system. These flags must be removed, or the Windows 10 SDK must be installed. Flags include: D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG error: 0x887a002d I've tried: * Installing Graphics Tools [...] read more
I have a C++ project targeted for Windows Phone 8.1 that uses Direct3D11, I tried using that project with Windows 10 Mobile device but at fails in the following line: hr = D3D11CreateDevice(NULL, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE,NULL, D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, featureLevels, sizeof(featureLevels) / sizeof(*featureLevels), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &m_d3dDevice, &featureLevel, NULL); returning error code 0x887A002D -> DXGI_ERROR_SDK_COMPONENT_MISSING, Any [...] read more