An user of my app is having some problem capturing the screen with the DesktopDuplication API. Upon starting the capture, the app crashes because the app is unable to release the frame of the OutputDuplication. User's PC details: Windows 10.0.18362.0, 64 bits Nvidia GeForce GTX 960, driver version 441.66 Error [...] read more
I'm trying too use DirectX desktop duplication API. I tried running exmaples from And from Both of these are examples of screen capture using DXGI. I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Windows 10 Pro on the machine. It has Intelâ„¢ Core i7-6700HQ processor. These examples work perfectly [...] read more
There is a problem with run Unity project on Hyper-V virtual machine. To make a long story short, my Unity project is working on my PC, but doesn't work on a VM. I described this in detail here: I found a crash log where Unity wrote everything. Because there [...] read more
For an obscure reason my call to IDXGIOutput5::DuplicateOutput1() fail with error 0x887a0004 (DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED) after I added cudart.lib in my project. I work on Visual Studio 2019, my code for monitor duplication is the classic : hr = output5->DuplicateOutput1(this->dxgiDevice, 0, sizeof(supportedFormats) / sizeof(DXGI_FORMAT), supportedFormats, &this->dxgiOutputDuplication); And the only thing I tried [...] read more
I have an app which uses DirectX12. I wanted to support fullscreen mode in my app. However, each time I called IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(), I got this error: > DXGI ERROR: IDXGISwapChain::GetContainingOutput: The swapchain's adapter does > not control the output on which the swapchain's window resides. The error code returned by [...] read more
I am following a tutorial to learn game programming with DirectX11. When I run the sample code it gives me this error: First-chance exception at 0x76E12EEC in Chapter1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x0307E824. HRESULT:0x887A0004 The problem appears to be in featureLevel and creationFlag in the following [...] read more
July 16, 2014 update: I have converted the SharpDX "MiniCube" sample project to a Universal 8.1 project. It is 100% self-contained. It will demonstrate this issue. There is a "READ ME.txt" file included with information. You can download it here: Download SharpDX MiniCube Universal 8.1 project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My issue is [...] read more
Krishna Rao
Hi, I have written DDAPI code in my project using AcquireNextFrame() API, its working fine in all aspects except 1366x768 resolution. When i change resolution from any resolution to 1366x768, screen was corrupting. i would appreciate if someone can help, how to resolve this issue.
Krishna Rao
Hi, I have written DDAPI code in my project using AcquireNextFrame() API, its working fine in all aspects except 1366x768 resolution. When i change resolution from any resolution to 1366x768, screen was corrupting. i would appreciate if someone can help, how to resolve this issue.