I've been building my version of the xv6 OS, but just as I switch to a newly created page directory and try to call a function, it triple faults. A lot of similar questions have been asked and usually the problem is that a page fault is not correctly handled, [...] read more
some words to my system. Im work on the Xilinx development-board zc706. The basic example of freertos are running. Now the question is: How i can boot the application over network? A freertos application is a bare-metal approach. Typically a loader like u-boot is been used, but the examples I [...] read more
Here is the issue description: After linux bootup, running command "lspci -v", we can see that pci devices can be found, but no address is assigned to devices. By further checking the linux booting message, many "bridge window mem ..." like messages are found there. Not sure those messages are [...] read more
I am currently using the below code for detecting gestures var inputManager = (function () { var that = {}; var gr; var canvas; var manipulating = false; that.manipulationHandler = function (evt) { if (evt.delta) { // } }; that.isManipulating = function () { return manipulating; }; that.processDown = function [...] read more
I am trying to use DES encryption/decryption on Google chrome. In my folder I have three files. 1. tripledes.js 2. mode-ecb.js 3. CryptoJS-DES.html The scripts in my html file is defined as follows :- <script type="text/javascript" src="tripledes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="mode-ecb.js"></script> and another script file which is :- function encryptByDES(message, key) [...] read more