Doing some testing on our test environment with the 1809 update. This system is not Internet and only gets updates from WSUS. I have tried to stop the services and rename the SoftwareDistribution folder but that didn't help either. I have done the troubleshooter but that doesn't do anything. I [...] read more
We have a number of severs for different customers that are separated in to different computer groups, these machines are not on a domain although hook in to WSUS with a registry change. Some Machines for customers are reporting fine, however some are not. The Registry settings appear to be [...] read more
during initialisation of my D3D stuff, I call the following function: hr = D3D11CreateDevice(nullptr,gDriverTypes[DriverTypeIndex],nullptr, #ifdef _DEBUG D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, #else 0, #endif gFeatureLevels,gNumFeatureLevels,D3D11_SDK_VERSION,&lDevice,&lFeatureLevel,&lImmediateContext); In debug build, to get additional information about possible D3D errors, I set the flag D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG. Without any further actions this lets my application terminate immediately. So according to [...] read more
The OS of my computer is Windows 8.1 Pro and my IDE is VS2015 Professional. My computer has network connectivity My Windows is updated, I executed VS with Admin privileges, also I opened power Shell to execute Show-WindowsDeveloperLicenseRegistration. Altough all of this, the development license is not installed. Any ideas? [...] read more