I started testing around if i could create a powershell script, which would update all device drivers automatically. After searching for a while, i stumbled across this thread: How to Automatically update all devices in device manager The User "HarryMc" pretty much provided me with all the answers needed. My [...] read more
I'm having some trouble with trying to use a powershell script to update all drivers on my PC without having to go through each of them. I'm using the code from the accepted answer from How to Automatically update all devices in device manager, with the added lines by user5542121 [...] read more
I have signed up for the insider program. When I go to the store, I am able to search for Paint 3D Preview. However, when I try to download it by pressing the Get button in the store, it gives the following error: paint 3d preview error [https://i.stack.imgur.com/C0Bi0.png] Same result [...] read more
I am trying to run below code to install realtek audio driver on dell laptop but getting below error. Is it possible to use this script for all model laptop to install missing audio driver or update it? Any help would be greatly appreciated ERROR: RegistrationState ServiceID IsPendingRegistrationWithAU Service ----------------- [...] read more
I am busy writing a console app whereby it searches for any updates on a user pc, then downloads it and installs it. All of this works great, however when there are no updates available it tries to download and then the app crashes with this error System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: '0x80240024' I [...] read more
I have followed instructions found on this site, which was found when I researched Stack Overflow and found this question. However, I can't seem to figure out why my code is hitting the catch block. I have a break at the IInstallationResult line, which the code hits but then goes [...] read more
I have following powershell script which should update my windows OS everytime I run it. Therefore I use the given windows API in order to search, download and install the updates. But somehow only searching for them actually works. This is my script: $global:scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $global:dir = Split-Path $scriptpath [...] read more