I have two data tables and want merge columns and create as third table. //Given dt1 {A(PK),B,C,D} dt2 {a(PK),b,c,d} //Want dtResult {A,B,C,D,a,b,c,d} Do not want to lose ExtendedProperties so not Selecting DataColumn.ColumnName and adding as columns. Code: DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); dt1.TableName = "dt1"; dt1.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { [...] read more
We are working on an existing application that uses SQL Server. And now we migrated the SQL Server database from SQL Server to PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL has all the table names and their columns to lower case. But we are still using the same code which we used for SQL Server. [...] read more
Problem description: As an example Ebay link Can be shortened to https://www.ebay.com/itm//263591535536, so that it takes less space on the database . I try to capture the full url in Razer page and then in the Controller I try to shorten it . Then I get the validation error . [...] read more
I have two data tables and want merge columns and create as third table. Do not want to lose ExtendedProperties so not Selecting DataColumn.ColumnName and adding as columns. Code: DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); dt1.TableName = "dt1"; dt1.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dt1.Columns.Add("A") }; dt1.Columns.Add("B"); dt1.Columns.Add("C"); dt1.Columns.Add("D"); DataTable dt2 = [...] read more
i have two tables aspNetUser and Tutorial i want a registered aspNetUser to to be able to create a tutorial and i want return the tutorial data to their page and other pages but i am strugling with saving the tutorial with the aspNetUser'id, i have been looking at one [...] read more
public void MatchedDocumentsInFileCabinet(string MainFolder, string SubFolder, string FileName, string FilePath) { // Checking Main Folder is present in FileCabinet, if present retrieving MainFolderID if not Inserting MainFolderName if (SelectedFileCabinetID == "") { SelectedFileCabinetID = "1"; } int Mainfoldercount = 0; DocSortResult getfolderdetails = objFolderManager.GetFolderDetails(); DataTable getFolderNames = new DataTable(); if [...] read more