I've been trying to follow the instructions to install the example VSS hardware provider that comes with the Windows SDK. Unfortunately COM refuses to register the DLL, giving the following output: Unregistering the existing application... - Create the catalog object - Get the Applications collection - Populate... - Search for [...] read more
Both the solutions mentioned in "VSS Hardware provider" are not helpful. I executed following instructions to install VssSampleProvider Setup (refered from https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/VSS-Sample-Provider-3096be2a/sourcecode?fileId=58709&pathId=1834493409). (1) Install the virtual storage driver as follows: a. Navigate to the Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86 directory in the Windows SDK. This directory contains virtualstoragevss.sys and vstorcontrol.exe. (2) [...] read more
I am using the COMAdminCatalog API for .net. I am currently getting certain properties of COM+ applications and components from an array of servers remotely. For the most part, my process doesn't have a problem retrieving this data. However, a few of the COM+ application's components will not populate and [...] read more
I've been digging into it for quite some time, and seems like some people did as well. Reference1 Reference2 Disclaimers: * This is NOT an issue with the docker image. I was able to reproduce it in headless installations of Windows Server 2016 and 2019 as well as in docker [...] read more
I've been trying to follow the instructions to install the sample VSS hardware provider that comes with the Windows SDK. I have been able to compile the code successfully with VS2013 for 64bit platform. However when I try to install the provider i get the following error.. Unregistering the existing [...] read more
I'm trying to register COM+ with WiX. I get the following error. Where can I find the meaning of error code -2146368486? RegisterComPlusAssemblies: DLL: <file name> ComPlusInstallExecute: ErrorInfo: Name='<file name>', ErrorCode='-2146368486', MajorRef='<name>', MinorRef='<invalid>' ComPlusInstallExecute: ErrorInfo: Name='<name>', ErrorCode='-2146368486', MajorRef='<guid>', MinorRef='<invalid>' ComPlusInstallExecute: ErrorInfo: Name='<name>', ErrorCode='-2146368486', MajorRef='<guid>', MinorRef='<invalid>' ComPlusInstallExecute: Error 0x80110401: Failed to [...] read more