I just received a standard cheap usb smartcard reader. I'm trying to find out how to interact with it using VBA in excel. -- I wrote this as I attempted to create basic smartcard functionality in a workbook. I figured at some point I would get stuck (and I did). [...] read more
I'm working on converting what was originally a web forms .NET application to UWP. The application is for using company-issued badges to record meeting attendance instead of our current paper sign in sheets. The original program uses an Omnikey 5427 CK in keyboard wedge mode and has no problems. For [...] read more
For a couple of days now at certain times my notebook does not know about my GPG secret key anymore. I have it saved on a Yubikey and use it to decrypt my passwords, as well as signing and encrypting my emails. So sometimes, when I try to decrypt my [...] read more