I would like to remove the Fitbit package from the Microsoft Store apps in Window 10. I have -allusers in the Powershell command but it's telling me Fitbit isn't in the current user. I don't care what user it's in. I would like to find out why it won't remove [...] read more
I am trying to build my project using the Visual Studio compiler in Qt Creator, but whenever I run the program the following error appears: qt.winrtrunner: Using the Appx profile. qt.winrtrunner: The environment variable ExtensionSdkDir is not set. qt.winrtrunner: The directory "" does not exist. EDIT: I have tried to [...] read more
According to System Event Log: * WindowsUpdateClient constantly (multiple times per day) downloading WinStore apps updates (Microsoft.BingWeather, Microsoft.BingNews, ...) * trying to install them * fails to install them (error: 0x80073CF1) Why this is happening? How can I heal or stop this? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: I added exclusion for WSHost.exe in [...] read more
I'm doing a task that relies on the ability to uninstall my UWP using a powershell script. Checking this https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/appx/remove-appxpackage?view=win10-ps and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/appx/get-appxpackage?view=win10-ps I went to try this: Remove-AppxPackage -Package "59777724-81d4-406d-95d7-be70af1xxxxx" -AllUsers or even this Remove-AppxPackage -Package $fullName -user username And yes, app name is a GUID - I inherit this [...] read more