Error Type: msxml3.dll (0x80072F0C) A certificate is required to complete client authentication I am sending an XML file to a remote server putUrl = xml_put = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><subscription id=""" & "14" &"""><status>" &"das" & "</status></subscription>" Public Function SendBatch(xml_put,putUrl) Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML3.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlhttp.Open "PUT", putUrl , False xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" [...] read more
I was following this tutorial on 'Azure IoT hub using the X.509 Certificate Authentication'. The sample console app works fine and I was able to send a message to my existing IoThub. However, when I try to connect with my existing IoThub from my UWP using the same code, the [...] read more
I have configured a IIS 7 Proxy using ARR under Windows 2008 R2. My goal is to let the IIS proxy provide a client certificate when performing a WebService call. See "diagram" below. 1. Server A -(SOAP call over https)-> IIS Proxy -(SOAP call over https)-> Server B (External WS) [...] read more
We have a lot of devices which synchronize their databases using the SQL CE Merge Replication (over SSL and with Basic Authentication configured). Now we want our clients to additionally identify themselves with a client certificate, but we're unsure, whether this configuration is supported or not. In the web configuration [...] read more
Just to confirm When sending XML data with asp to https://www I am getting msxml3.dll (0x80072F0C) A certificate is required to complete client authentication I Talk to https://www IT and they said that they don't have to provide any certificate to install. IS it correct? here is the [...] read more