I have Windows 10, and the store won't connect to the internet. The funny thing is, all my browsers (including Edge) work fine. Not only is the store not working, neither is Cortana, and I can't connect a Microsoft account to the computer. The problem is the same for other [...] read more
I´m using VS2015 to deploy a universal app to a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B running Windows 10 IOT Core (10.0.10240). Any usage of the HttpClient to call a WebService or retrieve some data like the following HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var re = await client.GetAsync("http://somehost/api/values/5"); yields an Exception [...] read more
I have System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 installed, and have a Hyper-V R2 host and a Virtual Server 2005 host. I'm trying to migrate my machines from the VS2005 host to the Hyper-V host, and keep getting the following error... > VMM is unable to complete the requested [...] read more
I am having issues with testing Login Controller using IdentityServer4. It throws the following error: > {System.Net.Http.WinHttpException (0x80072EFD): A connection with the server > could not be established I am trying to generate the access Token using ResourceOwnerPassword, for which I have implemented IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator. I get the error in UserAccessToken.cs [...] read more
The problem We have built a Windows 10 app which sends push notifications to iOS devices. While load testing, we discovered a pretty severe bug with UWP's HttpClient classes that is seemingly-impossible to diagnose. Our UWP app sends push notifications to Apple's APN servers. We can send HTTP/2 TLS requests [...] read more
I am trying to write some app that needs to fetch info about books. That's why I am using Google Book Api. The Official library is not working on WP8.1 so I am trying to do everything by myself with the help of the Internet. That is what I wrote: [...] read more
I am running a number of ExePackages in my WIX installer (custom GUI) that call DISM to download various components. When internet is not available they fail but I am unable to tell the user why. The WIX installer log reports appropriately what has happened. Is there a way to [...] read more
I have Windows 10.0.017134, build 17134, version 1803. The Microsoft Store won't connect to the internet; all my browsers connect. I get an error code: 0x80072EFD. Microsoft Store error code:0x80072EFD [https://i.stack.imgur.com/GBW4A.png] read more
Since August 9th I have the following issues (that could be related): 1. Windows Update, Check for Updates give the message "We couldn't connect to the update service. We'll try again later, or you can check now. If it still doesn't work, make sure you're connected to the Internet.". For [...] read more
I have a brand new installation of Windows Server 2016 WSUS server (Fully patched until 18-Dec-2016). My network consists of about 1000 client-side operating systems and 300 server-side. The clients range from Windows 7 to Windows 10 version 1607. The servers are from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2016. [...] read more
I installed WSUS on Server 2012 R2. Installation went well on the server side. I do not have an Active Directory environment so I have to use registry settings on the clients. I used the following registry settings: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate] "AcceptTrustedPublisherCerts"=dword:00000001 "ElevateNonAdmins"=dword:00000001 "TargetGroup"="Servers" "TargetGroupEnabled"=dword:00000000 "WUServer"="http://serveripaddress:8530" "WUStatusServer"="http://serveripaddress:8530" [...] read more
My wife's Windows 8.1 (Dell Vostro 3450) notebook won't connect to our home network whenever my notebook is connected to it. It works fine whenever mine is not on. My router is a Netgear N600 (WNDR3700) with the latest stock firmware. All other devices (2 iPads and 2 iPhones) are [...] read more
Update: Unfortunatly I was never able to fix this problem, I am fairly confident that some mistake was made when installing it or porting the computers and authorization across. After several re-installs, I ended up installing it on the Default Website with SSL and re-authorizing all of the patches, fortunatly [...] read more
A service I have written that uses BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) to auto update itself is having a problem on some machines (Windows 7 so far). I have been investigating and have discovered that some of the jobs that my service adds to the bits queue are failing immediately [...] read more
I followed the instructions i found on the internet about making an offline installer for Visual Studio 2017 and made an offline installer (about 31 GB) for VS 2017 but when i begin to install i found the installer downloading the files needed to install instead of using the downloaded [...] read more
Initially I want to send a first request without client certificates and if the error is "an authentication error" then I want to resend the request with the certificates attached. So the code first is HttpStringContent ehttpContent = new HttpStringContent(content); HttpRequestMessage req2 = new HttpRequestMessage(method, resourceUri); req2.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", soapAction); req2.Content = [...] read more
I'm currently working on a Windows Phone 8.1 app, my first one actually. I would like to send through my emulator windows phone 8.1, a http request to a remote server. So I've used that code: try { mailToCheck.MailProfil = TxtBox_mail.Text.ToString(); string js = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mailToCheck); HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); [...] read more
Attempting to sign into any account in Sticky Notes on Windows 10 (v1809) fails with the following error: We couldn't verify your sign-in info. We can't connect to the server. Error code 0x80072EFD enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/yzDmc.png] As advised by https://www.easeus.com/resource/fix-sticky-notes-not-available-error-in-windows-10.html, resetting and reinstalling the app hasn't made a [...] read more
So, I need to install SNMP in a windows 10 pro computer with no internet access, or any arrangement for a temporary internet access. In windows 10 there is option to add features in the "Programs and features", and it should show "Simple Network Management Protocol", but it does not [...] read more
I am working on a Win 7 Ultimate machine, and was using XP for some development tasks (for compatibility checks). Everything worked like a charm on the XP, including updates. Two days ago I had to switch computer (mainly a new motherboard/cpu), and I had just stuck my old HD [...] read more
We have a Config Manager 2012 R2 setup with 2 Distribution Points on remote sites. In the remote site the Applications don't get downloaded, the status remains on 'downloading (0% complete)' In the DataTransferService log I find the following errors: > Successfully sent location services HTTPS failure message. Error sending [...] read more
Trying to install the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle (DotNetCore.1.0.5_1.1.2-WindowsHosting.exe) on Windows 2008 R2 fails with Error 0x80072efd: Process returned error: 0x2efd read more
I have a modified hosts file which is as follows: library.test and I try to connect to this domain from a UWP app using HttpClient like so var client = new HttpClient(); var result = await client.GetAsync("http://library.test"); Console.WriteLine(result.StatusCode); but this fails with the following exception HResult=0x80072EFD Message=An error occurred [...] read more
I'm implementing an UWP application for the HoloLens which streams a point cloud over a MessageWebSocket to a companion PC. If I launch the app on the HoloLens while the server on the companion PC is not yet running, calling the ConnectAsync method of MessageWebSocket triggers an exception (because it [...] read more
Apologies for the long essay below... The server we are using cannot have Internet access at this moment in time (or any time in the future I imagine), so I downloaded SSDT from the Microsoft website which says it's backwards compatible and followed the instructions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssdt/download-sql-server-data-tools-ssdt?view=sql-server-2017#ssdt-for-vs-2017-standalone-installer However, using their instructions [...] read more
so today I wanted to play some roblox. so I went on, hit play, and, it just loaded very slowly. I didn't think it was broken, so I continued to wait. after about 30 seconds it came op with the error > Connection Error: HttpSendRequest failed: HRESULT 0x80072efd I looked [...] read more
I'm trying work with .NET core on a Virtual Machine that is blocked from downloading any content from the internet. It appears that the installer DotNetCore.1.0.1-VS2015Tools.Preview2.0.3.exe requires an iis express package that it cannot download. The package is from: https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/6/E/F6ECBBCC-B02F-424E-8E03-D47E9FA631B7/packages/ancm_iis_express_x64_en_69.msi I can download this package manually and install it, but [...] read more
I am getting this error while post from a Windows Phone 8.1 to a PHP Script > Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072EFD The post from a console app to the PHP script works fine, but something is different for the Windows Phone. In the console app I used ASCIIEncoding but I [...] read more
When I want to play ROBLOX on my computer and join a server it says that I cant join that something went wrong and it been happening for 1 week now :(
When I want to play ROBLOX on my computer and join a server it says that I cant join that something went wrong and it been happening for 1 week now :(