I have a Windows Service running as a low privileged domain account. My account is a local administrator. When I try to attach the debugger to the service when the project/solution is open in Visual Studio 2012/2013 I get the error "Unable to attach to process. Operation not supported. Unknown [...] read more
For some reason, my ability to attach a debugger to ANYTHING has just stopped. It has persisted after a computer reboot, and it's really making things difficult. This is the error I get: --------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio --------------------------- Unable to attach to the process. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80072ee6. [...] read more
I have this VBS for downloading files: Set args = Wscript.Arguments downloadURL = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) saveLocation = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) dim xHttp: Set xHttp = createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") dim bStrm: Set bStrm = createobject("Adodb.Stream") xHttp.Open "GET", downloadURL, False xHttp.Send with bStrm .type = 1 '//binary .open .write xHttp.responseBody .savetofile saveLocation, 2 '//overwrite end with and [...] read more
I got a message saying "A new version of MSN Live Messenger is available", but the installer failed with error "aborted:0x80004004". I googled it a bit and found this suggestion to run the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. That website looks dubious, but the tool is from Microsoft so I figured [...] read more