So this is a Windows 10 Pro 64 bit version 1607 system, Insider edition on a slow ring. Some days ago it was repeatedly failing KB3176934 with the same 0x800F0922. I didn't find out the root cause and how to prevent it. My purpose is to find other who has [...] read more
I am trying to setup a Windows Docker image with .net framework 4.7.2. For other reasons, I am starting from microsoft/windowsservercore What I tried so far - I have choco installed on my image, so my initial solution was to use choco install choco install dotnet4.7.2 --allow-empty-checksums -y -v --trace [...] read more
I am trying to install the .NET Framework 4.7.2. (and the .NET Developer Pack) on my system, but even though the installation runs successfully, after a final restart, the installation does not appear to take effect. I verify the installation by running the Powershell command Get-ChildItem "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\" | [...] read more
So this installer works fine until I add the following, strange part is after it rolls back the install due to the error the features I am adding via dism.exe are actually turned on like I want. Tempted to just add something to ignore the error but I would rather [...] read more
I had an issue on someone’s computer yesterday where my installer did not complete as expected. I connected to their PC to investigate. It had to do with the VC Redist files. My installer detects if these are needed and if required, downloads and installs them. I use the command [...] read more
I think I'm breaking my head over something very simple. I've been working on it for two days and unfortunately I can't figure it out. The problem is that I'm using a Powershell script while deploying a Windows system with MDT. The script is called last in the task sequence. [...] read more
I am trying to get my head around windows errors, especially the relationship between Win32 errors and HRESULT errors. So, as an example I know 3010 is > "The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until > the system is rebooted" And I can get that by [...] read more
I have a service that does some system configuration on startup and just ran into an issue where Windows Updates was running at the same time and initiated a reboot which interrupted what my service was doing and I wound up with a broken configuration. I would like to delay [...] read more