I am having major problems getting a scheduled task to run. The task is created fine using the ITaskScheduler interface provided by Microsoft. The task is set to run only if a user is logged on. The problem is that the task does NOT run and the log file SchedLgU.txt [...] read more
So I'm writing a c++ code that its goal is to add a simple task to the task scheduler. The application is to be run in windows XP so I'm using Task Scheduler 1.0 Interfaces. I followed the example, C/C++ Code Example: Creating a Task Using NewWorkItem, and tweaked it [...] read more
I am trying to create a script that uses schtasks to schedule a task, without entering a password. The task is intended to simply run under the currently logged on user, who actually creates the task (via the script). Thus, the user's credentials are there, otherwise the task wouldn't have [...] read more
I need to create windows Tasks programmatically using ASP.net and C# (Windows Server 2003). When I use following code: Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "schtasks.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = " /create /tn MyTask /tr notepad.exe /sc DAILY /st 10:00:00 /ru myUsername /rp myPassword "; p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(); It [...] read more
Thsi page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308558 claims the following: > Note Administrators or users with administrator permissions can configure the > Task Scheduler to send a notification when a scheduled task does not run as > you set it to run. To do so, click Notify Me of Missed Tasks on the Advanced [...] read more