I installed the evaluation version of SQL Server 2008 R2 after removing SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. SQL Server Configuration manager was still accessible after the un-installation but now it is no longer accessible with this error: > Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the [...] read more
How can I troubleshoot and fix Get-Net* PowerShell cmdlets? All of the following are failing with Invalid class. I'm using Windows 10, version 1511 and do not have the option to upgrade to 1607 at this point. First PowerShell version: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Major Minor Build Revision ----- ----- ----- [...] read more
I have a SQL job that runs a VB script that uses an object provided by the Microsoft Excel DCOM application. Excel 2003 is installed and working. Both SQL Server and SQL agent run under mydomain\thataccount. The error is: The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for [...] read more
I am trying to execute the example at https://theroadtodelphi.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/all-about-wifi-networks-and-wifi-adapters-using-the-wmi-and-delphi/ in visual C++, wherein: * the WMI class WiFi_AdapterAssociationInfo is queried * retrieve WiFi asset information On windows 2012 and Windows 8.1 am getting the error that unable to locate the WMI class, the code I am executing is placed below, [...] read more
I have HyperV Server 2012 R2 installed and I've opened ports in the firewall to allow remote snapins to connect. They mostly work, but, for example, the logical disk manager connects and shows information, but refreshing doesn't work. I get no errors from the snap-in but I can only see [...] read more
I'm have a problem with sql server configuration manager send the error "Cannot connect to WMI Provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL Sever 2005 and later servers with SQL Server Configuration Manager. not valid class [0x80041010]" Are 2 [...] read more
I am running PSVersion 5.1.14393.206. Is there something that I must configure or call before Get-VpnConnection? PS C:\Users\pwatson> Get-VpnConnection -AllUserConnection Get-VpnConnection : Invalid class At line:1 char:1 + Get-VpnConnection -AllUserConnection + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (PS_VpnConnection:root/Microsoft/...S_VpnConnection) [Get-VpnConnection], CimException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041010,Get-VpnConnection Same result in 64-bit and 32-bit [...] read more
I try to install a .exe remote onto my gaming PC. I know the .exe exists but the call gives me an error. C:\WINDOWS>wmic /node:"Spiele" /user:"Spielen" /password:"XXX" product call install true,"", "C:\setup.exe" ERROR: Code = 0x80041002 Description = Not found Facility = WMI C:\WINDOWS> The location of the exe-File I [...] read more
I started using a standard uninstall script, and it wasn't working, so I decided to see if it was even finding any progams at all, and it seems it isn't. It works on Windows 7 but not on the other the Windows 2003 server I need to use it on. [...] read more
I'm trying to automate the installation of an MSI on my server, however before the installation can go ahead I need to uninstall the previous version from the server. Searching on the internet I've found that WMIC is the tool required but there seems to be a problem with the [...] read more
we have SCCM Server the client install successfully on servers but not on workstations windows 10. on the ccmsetup.log I got these errors Failed to connect to policy namespace. Error 0x8004100e Failed to revoke client upgrade local policy. Error 0x8004100e Could not retrieve value for MDM_ConfigSetting . Error 0x80041002 Failed [...] read more
I'm trying to convert my Win32 app from its MSI into UWP appx package using Desktop App Converter, so that I can update it in the Windows Store. Here's the steps. When I downloaded the Windows_BaseImage_DAC_17134.wim file and tried to install it, I got this at the end (I'm not [...] read more
We are using WMI services for retrieving AntiVirus details (name of AntiVirus and installed status) from Windows. And the code works fine for Windows 7, 8.1, 10, but it failed on Windows Server 2016 OS. So kindly help us to solve this problem.Here is the code we are using: void [...] read more
After creating a new windows forms project i receive 2 errors. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PasteJson did not load correctly. enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/4wdFH.png] HRESULT: 0x80041010 enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/VcyS9.png] The activitylog shows nothing of interest. I have cleared the ComponentModelCache with no success. (C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ComponentModelCache) read more
I am using sql server 2008 r2 and it was working fine but after restarting my computer it's not working , I tried to open configuration manager but it give me this error: > Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permmission or the server is > unreachable [...] read more
The first simple example using Get-NetAdapter in Get-Help from Microsoft will not work on my machine. Any suggestions? PS C:\Users\lit> Get-NetAdapter -Name * Get-NetAdapter : Invalid class At line:1 char:1 + Get-NetAdapter -Name * + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (MSFT_NetAdapter:ROOT/StandardCimv2/MSFT_NetAdapter) [Get-NetAdapter], CimException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041010,Get-NetAdapter PS C:\Users\lit> [...] read more
Hoping you can help. I am having issues opening SQL Server Configuration Manager on Server 2k3 with the following error: Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL Server 2005 with SQL Server Configuration Manager. Invalid [...] read more