I'm trying to connect to a mdb file and I understand that I would need Microsoft.OLEDB.JET.4.0 data provider. Unfortunately, I do not have it installed on the (University) machine. Since, they don't provide that provider, I believe there should be a way around. How can I connect to the file [...] read more
I'm learning how to use SQL Server Management Studio and can't figure out how to insert a new row into a table. Table Structure: ID, Field1, Field2 Query: INSERT INTO Table (Field1,Field2) VALUES(1,2) Error: > Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25503 I'm probably missing something very simple. Any help would [...] read more
I have a data flow task in SSIS '08, with an OLEDB data source. The query is this: SELECT DISTINCT dbo.udf_CreateCCISSentenceDuration(probation_year, probation_month, probation_day) FROM sentence I pared down the query just to make this more readable. I get the following error regardless: Error at 11012 DATA [Data Records [27]]: SSIS [...] read more
I have recently installed SQL 2008 R2 CREATE TABLE TPERSONS( personid int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, lastname varchar(50) NULL, firstname varchar(50) NULL, salary money NULL, managerid int NULL -- foreign key to personid ) I do not understand why I receive this error. Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 26302 ) [...] read more
I'm trying to create a temp table and process two data flows using the temp table. It is in a sequence container and if I just execute the container it run perfect but when the entire package is ran it returns this error: > Information: 0x4004300A at V-AccidentCodesBase, SSIS.Pipeline: Validation [...] read more
Errors: Windows event Log - Backup started at '5/5/2011 12:34:07 AM' failed as Volume Shadow copy operation failed for backup volumes with following error code '2155348129'. Please rerun backup once issue is resolved. The description for Event ID 24583 from source SQLWRITER cannot be found. Either the component that raises [...] read more
I'm trying to transfer columns from database tables into a fact table in a data warehouse. I'm using the following SQL command to retrieve data SELECT employée.matricule, accident.[code accident], prestataire.[N°], visite.[date visite], accident.[date accident] ,remboursement.[montant rem], visite.[Nbre Jours Acc] FROM visite, employée, accident, prestataire, remboursement, bordereaux WHERE employée.matricule=accident.matricule AND employée.matricule= [...] read more
> This question is part in a series of bugs in the Microsoft ODBC driver: > > * ODBC driver fails to raise errors; but instead suppresses them > * Reading columns out of order returns incorrect results > * Cannot execute a stored procedure that is a SYNONYM > [...] read more
I am using SSIS to create a data flow task to a postgresql server database. I get the Error with SQL query: > The query failed to parse. Exception from HResult: 0x80040E14 See below screenshot: https://ibb.co/7KcBnMG https://ibb.co/zR093SQ The query being tried is: INSERT INTO public.controlflow_example(rollnumber) VALUES (1) The connection itself [...] read more
I'm trying to correct some errors on an SSIS job. That number of errors was 12 and know I got to 5 I am getting the following error message, which is in French. > [OLE DB Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error > has occurred. [...] read more
Sorry if this isn't the place to post this, but I don't know anywhere else to find help. The insert command won't work, might be something dumb but I can't find what's causing the problem, it says that it's a syntax error. The code: conn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("Insert [...] read more
I have an SSIS data flow task that is taking lookup matched records and feeding them to an OLE DB Command component. When I run it I get an error that says: Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Command [28]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error [...] read more
I wrote a stored procedure that reads records into a temp table and then creates a pivoted output from the data in the temp table. Running the stored procedure from SSMS works just fine. What I am facing problems is now that I am trying to create the SSIS package [...] read more
Background: Our application is split into a Database project and a SSIS project. Right now, it can occur that a change is pushed on the DB project (like a column name change) that will go unnoticed until runtime when a package is failing that tries to use that column. As [...] read more
This query runs perfectly in Access 2010: SELECT te.[EnterpirseName], COUNT(to.[ID]) AS Orgs, SUM(to.[Members]) AS Mems FROM tbl_Enterprise AS te, tbl_Organizations AS to WHERE to.[Enterprise_ID] = te.[ID] AND te.[Status] = 1 GROUP BY te.[EnterpirseName] However when I try to execute it from my C# winforms application, I get syntax error: 0x80040E14 [...] read more
I am trying to build a dynamic export using SSIS. I set up a variable TableName-string and scoped to the package. I set up a sql task to find the table name I wanted and mapped the result set to above variable. (This task completes fine) Then I have added [...] read more
I read this thread: SSIS : Dynamically passing Table names and this is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. I got to the point of creating the string variable. However, in the OLEdb source editor, when I chose to use SQL Command from Variable, the preview gave the following error [...] read more
I'm using management studio to connect to my sql mobile/compact database. I'm trying to insert some dummy data into some tables, for example: INSERT INTO FlooringTypes (FlooringType) VALUES ('Carpet') INSERT INTO FlooringTypes (FlooringType) VALUES ('Smooth') However it returns the error: > Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25501 If I run [...] read more
I have some trouble getting the migrations to create default datetime values for my tables. I am using the EF Core Jet provider and need to use MS Access-MDB-Files. My Connection string is the following: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=4;User ID=Admin; Data Source=<my-mdb-file.mdb> I want to set the default datetime of an [...] read more
VARIABLE VALUE:-89 ERROR MESSAGE Package Validation Error ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Error at DFT_SSISDB_To_DWH [OLEDB_SRC_executions & event_messages [58]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Statement(s) could not be [...] read more
I have created 2 variables in SSIS, namely ProductValue and SQLQuery. The SQLQuery contain the sql statement as below: "SELECT * FROM Products Where ProductID > " + @[user::ProductValue] When I pass the SQLQuery variable to Ole db source via data access mode = sql command from variable, system return [...] read more
I'm trying to export the results of a stored procedure to Excel and receiving the following error when running: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression. Below is the code I am using. The excel file gets created but there is no data populating the file. string TableColumns [...] read more
I'm attempting to call a stored procedure in DB2 using the Dd2OleDb ver.6 driver from C#. When calling cmd.ExecuteNonQuery, an OleDbException with a SQLCode of -379 is thrown. Full message is below. I have a similar call to another stored procedure that works fine. Both stored procedures work fine when [...] read more
I am trying to access a MS Access database from a ASP MVC application using OleDb. The provider I am using in the connection string is Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0. When I launch the application from Visual Studio everything works fine (Access is installed in my computer). I have published the WebApp on [...] read more
We have upgraded from access 2010 x64 redistributable to 2016 x64 distributable. After installing 2016 redistributable, query is failing with HRESULT = ( 0x80040E14) Table FRUITS ID FRUIT_NAME FRUIT_DESCR -------------------------------- 1 Apple 2 Banana 3 Grape DELETE FROM FRUITS WHERE FRUIT_NAME NOT LIKE '#*%' Query is executed using CCommand<CNoAccessor, CNoRowset> [...] read more
SELECT accounts.lconm, accounts.netname, accounts.adress, totsls.total FROM accounts INNER JOIN (SELECT activestb, SUM(billamnt) AS total FROM bills GROUP BY bils.acc) totals ON totals.acc = accounts.acc WHERE acc = 1 I want to sum of billamnt which is in the second table(bills) with this query but I m getting an error in [...] read more
I'm working on a c# winform software, connecting to local MS Access db (.mdb) Connection string used is Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=db.mdb and it's kinda considered a requirement, Ace is not an option. I'm trying to use the function ConcatRelated but keep encountering error: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): Undefined function 'ConcatRelated' in expression. My [...] read more
The whole idea is that I have a register form and after filling all fields with data(Username, Email and Password) and press the Register button to insert this data into my Access database and make a new record but when i try to do so it show Syntax INSERT INTO [...] read more
I have an ETL package built in SSIS that I'm trying to run but I'm getting this error, mainly the third one: Errors [https://i.stack.imgur.com/HN7bP.png] The part in the package that is giving the error is built like this: Architecture of the problematic part [https://i.stack.imgur.com/acO8i.png] The specific component that is causing [...] read more
i got a problem.. i dont know what to do anymore.. I want to add a query on OLE DB Source from DataFlow and when i try to click on Columns(after i put the query) i got this error>> : Error at Data Flow Task[OLE DB Source[31]]: SSIS Error Code [...] read more
I am working with Microsoft Access 2016 and developing a ASP.NET WebForm where I want to enter data into the tbl_users table. I have the following server side code: connectionString = GetConnString(); string insertQuery = "insert into tbl_users (fullName, emailID, password) values(?, ?, ?)"; using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) [...] read more
I'm having and exception in my insert into statement.But the data is inserting to the table correctly. can someone please show me the error in this code. private void btnAddNewSale_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string StrQuery; connection.Open(); OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.Connection = connection; for (int i = 0; [...] read more
When i write this code i'm taking > System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): Syntax error in UPDATE > statement. message.(c#, access(SayacGun, SayacToplam are integers and Tarih is > dateTime)) OleDbConnection dbBaglanti2 = new OleDbConnection(VTYolu); dbBaglanti2.Open(); string Ekle2 = "UPDATE Sys_Sayac SET SayacGun = @Gun, SayacToplam = @Toplam, WHERE Tarih = @Tarih"; OleDbCommand Komut2 [...] read more
SSIS newbie here. I have an SSIS package I created based on the wizard. I added a SQL task to run the script I was running previously separately, in order to reduce the process to one step. The script uses lots of temp tables, and one global ##temp at the [...] read more
My program is throwing the following error > ERROR in UPDATE statement: OleDb (0x80040E14) and nothing else. Over the past week I've been having continuous trouble tweaking this code with minor adjustments yet everything always happens to break down. This is the identical sample that works: conn.Open(); string sqls = [...] read more
We have an SSIS package, in which we load data into an Excel spreadsheet. The Excel columns need to have names with special characters, such as ".", "::" - ex: [ColumnA.property1], [ColumnB::property2.extension2]. When we try to run the SSIS package, we get an error (Invalid bracketing) as we cannot process [...] read more
I have a package in my ETL that loops through 4 different databases, each with a copy of the same table. I found out that one of the four tables has one extra column named MTFvalue_Permit thus giving me the below error. My fact and staging tables, however, do include [...] read more
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Statement(s) could not be prepared.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: [...] read more
I am extremely new to SSIS and may need allot of things explained. What I am trying or attempting to accomplish is this: 1. Connect to an XML site using SSIS in VS-2013 2. Delete the existing data in the table 3. Dump the parsed XML data to the table [...] read more
First of all, yes I know there are several other questions about this. I have reviewed and tried different solutions proposed in them; however I'm still getting a "Syntax error INSERT INTO statement" message when I click on the submit button to run the function. I'm running VS 2015 and [...] read more
hi can anyone tel me how to check whether a primary key exists or not in a table and add a primary key if not exixts in sql server compact(.sdf).. i'm using this, IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS WHERE CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY') BEGIN alter table [tablename] add constraint [...] read more
Certain users of an application are receiving exceptions when filling a dataset from a DBF file using the VisualFoxPro 9.0 driver. I can't seem to figure out what's going on because the error always happens for some users, never happens for other users and sometimes (based on the location of [...] read more
How to bind selected RadioButtonList item to controlParameter for my query? I have following, but getting [OleDbException (0x80040e14): Missing operand.] System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(OleDbHResult hr) +1216113 ...error. <asp:TextBox runat="server" id="first" ></asp:TextBox> Enter Account (Owner ID) Number with dashes if applicable. <br /> <asp:TextBox runat="server" id="second" ></asp:TextBox><br /> <asp:TextBox runat="server" id="third" ></asp:TextBox><br /> ... ... <asp:RadioButtonList [...] read more
I am very new to Oracle database and I am trying to hardcode the date (2020-06-30 0:00:00) into the query below, however I get the following errors [valsys_TIMESERIES_VALUE [37]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: [...] read more
My OLE DB Source query goes something like this: select a,b,sum(c) from(select a,b,c from t1 union all select a,b,c from t2 union all select a,b,c from t3) a inner join t2 on ... group by a,b It gives me the following error: > SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB [...] read more
This is code does not run in the Crystal Report. > Error:Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details: ADO Error Code > 0x80040e14 Source Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 Description: > Incorrect syntax near isp_configure. SQL State 42000 Native Error: 102 > [Database Vendor Code: 102 enter image [...] read more
I load data from one SQL Server A to temporary table via Execute SQL Task (select * into x from remote_server) and join with another remote SQL Server B in Data flow. So I have two source in Data Flow: 1.Local temporary table which contains date from SQL Server A [...] read more
I am trying to write a script task in SSIS that runs a SQL procedure based on a variable, determines the name and number of columns from the results, then exports that into an excel sheet. This is based off of the TechBrothersIT site/video: http://www.techbrothersit.com/2016/03/how-to-create-excel-file-dynamically_21.html The error "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): Number [...] read more
I am trying to insert a password into a MS Access database but I get the following error when I run it but I can't get the ExecuteNonQuery() function to work for some reason. I'm trying to insert a string from the textbox password into the column password in the [...] read more
I keep geeting an error at da.Fill(ds, "Users") Private Sub Login_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim ctr, i As Integer ds.Clear() If cn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then cn.Close() End If Module1.Conn() cn.Open() str = "select * from User" cmd = New OleDbCommand(str, cn) da.SelectCommand = cmd da.Fill(ds, "Users") [...] read more
I have a SSIS package that brings data from Db2 to SQL Server for 20 tables. All my 20 DFT tasks are inside sequence container. the package is deployed in SSISDB and it intermittently throws the error for one particular object during pre-execute phase. > An OLE DB error has [...] read more
I'm new in C# and i would like to insert some Datagridview columns to Access in order to retrieve this data afterwards. private void metroButton5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) try { OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = F:\Database\DBAdatabase.accdb; Persist Security Info = False; "); for (int s [...] read more
I need help understanding why a RESTORE DATABASE operation with SQL Server 2008 Express is failing with an HRESULT code of 0x80040e14. Overview of Operation Environment We have a Point of Sale application running on several, cooperating terminals whose architecture is to have a Master Terminal with all of the [...] read more
VB2010 I have one DataSet and I add multiple tables, I then fill in these tables, and then insert those records into an Access db. 'create a new DataSet Dim dsNav As New DataSet 'first table Dim daTrips As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Trips", connNav) daTrips.Fill(dsNav, "Trips") Dim cbTrips As [...] read more
I access an xls-document via oledb with c#. I have to join two sheets without any on-condition. I try to get any column-combination which is possible from those two sheets. Under mssql I can do it using ON 1 = 1 for the join-condition, but that doesn't work here. Here [...] read more
I just migrated a specific package from our old to our new enviorment. The one thing that changed between the old and the new enviorment is that in the old enviorment the connection manager was setup with a linked-server. In the new enviorment we connect through ODBC. One of the [...] read more
Quick Summary: Crystal Reports gives me error "ADO Error Code: 0x80040e14...Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ALL'." when I execute my SQL SP with 'ALL' special keyword for employee number. The Long Story: I have a report written in Crystal Reports 2016 that collects 3 parameters when it executes: 1. From [...] read more
The program I'm writing (in vb.net) is supposed to be loading values from text boxes into a database. However, when I click "Save", at first nothing at all happened. No error, no notification, nothing. So I traced it using breakpoints, and it got to: daTraining.Update(dsTraining, "Training") and just stopped. So [...] read more
I have a trigger to prevent someone using Management Studio: CREATE TRIGGER [TR_LOGON_APP] ON ALL SERVER FOR LOGON AS BEGIN DECLARE @program_name NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @host_name NVARCHAR(128) SELECT @program_name = program_name, @host_name = host_name FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS c WHERE c.session_id = @@spid IF @program_name LIKE '%Management%Studio%' BEGIN RAISERROR('Access Denied.',16,1) ROLLBACK; END [...] read more
In an SSIS package, I’m trying to write out the contents of a .CSV file to a .XLS file because the Excel Connection Manager does not work well but having issues when trying to accomplish this via the C# script below. Just a point of clarification, I am NOT INSERTING [...] read more
So I'm doing an exercise for class and I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this particular database that I'm meant to break into blindly. The database throws the following error with the string: x' Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-01756: quoted [...] read more
When I run the below query, I get syntax error in query expression. This exact code worked when I was using sqlclient and reading from an sql server .mdf file. But now I'm reading from an ms access .mdb file and it's giving me this error of a missing operator [...] read more
Why I can't use same connection in loop. Could you help me, please? I would explain step of all. Step is as following: 1. "Get By Brand" block(Execute SQL Task): I query Brand data, output is object. For example the output is "AAA", "BBB" - The loop next step will [...] read more
Morning all. When an operator replaces a tool in a large production machine he goes to a PC and fills out information on a program I created. Well I want to put in a timestamp when they actually log the change vs when they say they changed the tool. The [...] read more
This code is part off a bigger function I hope Ive copied the {} properly balancing them out. I have a dataGridView which has been updated this percedure is simply to write the changes back into a blanked out table? OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); for (int ii = 0; [...] read more
I am editing an application that is made in Visual Studio 2012. I am trying to create a Crystal Report where the user selects a date range. I added a command for my simple SQL Server Query, which runs fine in the SQL Management Studio. Select customerID, orderID, orderDate From [...] read more
Visual Studio gives me the follow error while trying to save data into my access database: > OleDBException(0x80040E14): syntax error in INSERT INTO command I get the error after clicking my save button ('btnFolieSpeichern'). In my database table "Folien" 'Hersteller', 'Serie' and 'Farbe' are strings, 'EK-Preis' is a double and [...] read more
I have been working on creating a simple log-in & registration form for learning/testing purposes. Initially this form was working, I thought, but I noticed now that I am getting an SQL error. I double checked all the labels and everything seems to be matching up. Does anyone notice anything [...] read more
I created a new package today, it gets info passed down from a Master package that runs other packages as well. My master package pulls the connection info from a config file at runtime. Protection level = DontSaveSensitive. Using Windows Authentication. It works fine locally but when I run it [...] read more
I am working with SSIS packages, and I use OLE DB Source component with following SQL query: DECLARE @ConnectedGUIDS nvarchar(200); SELECT @ConnectedGUIDS = COALESCE(@ConnectedGUIDS + ',', '') + convert(nvarchar(36), Record2Id) FROM ConnectionBase WHERE Record1Id = CAST(? AS CHAR(36)); SELECT DISTINCT(Record1Id) AS ContractGUID, @ConnectedGUIDS AS ConnectedGUIDs FROM ConnectionBase WHERE Record1Id = [...] read more
I have a problem while attempting to insert values into a table in my asp.net web application. I keep getting the error System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. at... I'm not sure why, I'm hoping its just a typo. But here is my Datalayer class code: public void [...] read more
I am trying to update a column in a MS Access 2007 database via VB.NET Express 2010. But my code is causing an error > 0x80040E14 syntax error in update statement I don't know where I had done mistake. Please help me in finding the problem. Here is my code. [...] read more
I have first time created a table in Access it's name is punchMachineData it has following columns with their respective types given on the link http://prntscr.com/bjxs2v i create a dynamic insert query like this : string str = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Sara\Desktop\punchMachineDataBase.accdb"; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(str); try { conn.Open(); String my_querry [...] read more
I am trying to debug a classic ASP application (written in VBScript) using Visual Studio 2015. The page which is throwing the error is structured as follows : <% : : class MyFile : : 899 someObj.Open sSQL, connect : : %> The page throws an error at the line [...] read more
I have the below script in the Source Editor in a SSIS package and I get an error. I change to a Select * and it works. I'm not sure why this is not working. It works in P/SQL. Any help would be appreciated! This works in my package: select [...] read more
Does anyone understand what this error means? All I did was set a filter as a range for the number of records when this error popped up. I am using Tableau verion 9.3 read more
I have to pull a list of data from an Excel sheet which has a point in the column header. If I remove the point everything works perfectly, but if I keep the point then I get an error message. Working: SELECT DISTINCT Ty FROM dbStock Not working: SELECT DISTINCT [...] read more
I am working on a SQL in Tableau Desktop for extracting data from an Excel spreadsheet. I have 125 subject codes to be categorized in 24 different departments. I am using "Switch" statement for the same. The query works perfectly fine if I enter 13 different cases, however, it gives [...] read more
Im having a lot of trouble understanding OLEDB, im particularly struggling to get information to save to the database this is my current code to attempt to save: Note: i can load the information absolutely fine, and when i run this function my information appears in my listBox however upon [...] read more
I have an access Database and I am trying to insert records into. This seems like it would be very simple to do and for the most part all the code I have makes sense. I can create queries in VS 15 and they insert into my database, but for [...] read more
I have created a SSIS Package containing a Data Flow task in Visual Studio 2012. The source and destination servers are both 2012. But while running the following error is popping up: [SRC - XYZ [103]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. [...] read more
I'm still working at my first database / time tracking solution. Right now I can create a new user and a table with the Name of the user and the columns [ID] AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [Datum] Text, [Beginn] Text, [Ende] Text, [Pause] Text, [Arbeitszeit] Text For the next [...] read more
I'm trying to export some entries from a database to a .txt file. I'm only exporting certain columns and this works fine with: SELECT Category1, Category2, Category3, Category4 FROM dbo.tbl1 WHERE Category3 = 'JP-4' AND Category4 > 4 However I also need to remove all html tags within the text [...] read more
I am designing a form to show the total cost on the listbox. I find that there is a error when I try to run this command my purpose is show the courseID , numberOfStudent and the Total cost(the sum of column "operatingCost" and column"materialFee") I want to search the [...] read more
I get an error saying varchar or char is not a recognized in SQL Server. However I use the same software, SQL Server 2008 in college, so I do not want to go for a different version of SQL Server. Anyway I can fix this? > Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor [...] read more
I am in the process of writing a SQL query to join 5 different tables in Tableau (a data analytics software). Tableau keeps telling me I have a syntax error in my join operation and I cannot figure out where it may be. Here's the error I'm receiving along with [...] read more
I have two database snapshots of the same source DB on my server with sql server 2008 R2. One of them is corrupted (marked suspect). My ETL does not read the corrupted one but is still failing validation for a data flow task when it is reading a view hosted [...] read more
I'm trying to modify records in my Microsoft Access database through c# in the .Net Framework. This is my execution code, but I keep getting a Syntax Error from my INSERT statement and can't figure out why, can anyone help? I'm also experiencing some trouble where the SELECT statement, isn't [...] read more
Sorry about this question, i know it's very imprecise but i 've been trying for a long time to add a new item a row in a sharepoint site from a custom form but the server response the error 0x80040E14 what does it mean?. This site has a lot of [...] read more
Environment: SBS Server 2008 DC/ Domain Server: Windows Server 2008 FE * Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP1 - MMC SUSDB.MDF started at 14.x GB and when trying to use the Updates Cleanup options {will link more detail from an article we found to do that}, it would go [...] read more
I'm trying to write a C# program that will migrate a large list of Ms Access Dbs to a Ms Sql server. I currently have no problem connecting to the Ms Sql server but Access has been a brick wall. I've tried with .Net Core using Odbc but I can't [...] read more
In Tableau, I'm trying to add a column through Alter Table in a custom SQL It looks like this: ALTER TABLE (SELECT [W$].[W], [W$].[SDate], [W$].[EDate], [Date E$].[Date] FROM [W$],[Date E$] WHERE [Date E$].[Date] BETWEEN [W$].[SDate] AND [W$].[EDate]) ADD [Type] string NOT NULL DEFAULT "P1" But I get an error saying [...] read more
select Accounts.name, Accounts.regno Accounts.model , Accounts.slacc, count (servicing.dt) as total from Accounts l,eft outer join servicing on Accounts.slacc = servicing.slacc group by Accounts.slacc,Accounts.name The error message is Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25515 > select Accounts.name,Accounts .model , Accounts.regno, Accounts.slacc, count (servicing.dt) as total from Accounts left outer join servicing [...] read more
Getting this error when attempting to update user info in my code... > ErrorSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): Syntax error in UPDATE > statement. at > System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(OleDbHResult > hr) at > System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextForSingleResult(tagDBPARAMS > dbParams, Object& executeResult) at > System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandText(Object& executeResult) at > System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, > Object& executeResult) at > System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, > String [...] read more
I am trying to create an order form using C# and am attempting to link this order form into a Access database using OleDB in Visual Studio. However when i attempt to Save an Order to the database i keep getting a syntax exception as listed below Error System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): [...] read more
That time it throws an error message as below: Message Executed as user: DOMAIN1\administrator. ...50.1600.1 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. Started: 1:00:01 AM Error: 2015-05-28 01:40:00.82 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: DFT RequestFactStg OLE DB Command [3499] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has [...] read more
SELECT ( SELECT Sum(tbl_allTransactions.transAmount) AS SumOftransAmount FROM tbl_allTransactions WHERE (((tbl_allTransactions.[transType])='Expense')) OR (((tbl_allTransactions.[transType])='Budget') AND ((tbl_allTransactions.[transMonth])=[@transMonth])) GROUP BY tbl_allTransactions.transMonth , SELECT Sum(tbl_allTransactions.transAmount) AS SumOftransAmount FROM tbl_allTransactions WHERE (((tbl_allTransactions.[transType])='Expense')) OR (((tbl_allTransactions.[transType])='Budget') AND ((tbl_allTransactions.[transMonth])=[@transMonth])) GROUP BY tbl_allTransactions.transMonth ) FROM tbl_allTransactions WHERE (((tbl_allTransactions.[userID])=[@userID])) I am getting following error:- System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14) Syntax error in query expression [...] read more
I am developing a program that uses a relational database. In one particular form I am trying to insert new products information into the database. using System.Data.OleDb; When I try to save a new product this code runs... connection.Open(); OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.Connection = connection; string query = [...] read more
I get the following error: > System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E14): Undefined function > 'STR_TO_DATE' in expression. when I run this query SELECT ProductCode, Description, SUM(Quantity) as Quantity, STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(DateIn, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') as DateIn FROM Product as P, StockIn as S WHERE S.ProductNo = P.ProductNo AND STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(DateIn, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') BETWEEN '" + [...] read more
I have SP contain temp table and generating 4 column in the output as id,name,original and changed the output need to save in flat file. can anyone please suggest how to do it with Execute SQL Task. i tried to do with oledb with data access mode as SQL command.but [...] read more