Windows error 0x8002802C, -2147319764 Detailed Error Information TYPE_E_AMBIGUOUSNAME[1] HRESULT analysis[2] Flags Severity Failure Reserved (R) false Origin Microsoft NTSTATUS false Reserved (X) false Facility Code 2 (0x002) Name FACILITY_DISPATCH [2] [1] Description The source of the error code is a COM Dispatch.[2] [1] Error Code 32812 (0x802c)
Questions I am attempting to create a C# inproc server for sbtsv.idl (it is included with the Windows 8 SDK). Almost every instructions I find tell you to use MIDL to create a .tlb file then tlbimport to create the proxy dll. However, if the IDL does not include a library [...]
read more Here is a simple test. The function pointer type FN_t appears twice in ITest::Test & ITest::Test2. import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; typedef void(* FN_t)(); [ uuid(f5d5eb17-45c7-4cce-a176-9ed2e1083d2a), object, local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITest : IUnknown { HRESULT Test(FN_t pfn); HRESULT Test2(FN_t pfn); // !error! } [ uuid(04f887d2-7412-497a-8189-72e710484bfa) ] library TestLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); [...]
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