We've just started getting some errors when trying to publish pages (.NET) - in Tridion 2009. It started off with intermittent, classic "RenderComponentPresentation exceeded maximum number of render failures 0" errors, and then progressed to complete failure. We can preview the pages correctly, so I'm loathe to believe it's anything [...] read more
I am trying to call a function from C# to a .DLL written in Borland C++ whose signature is: extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) ls50errortype __stdcall Ls50P2Open(ls50p2apiconfiginfostruct &configinfo); The corresponding call in C#: [DllImport("C:\\Lumistar\\LDPS_8x\\Ls50P2_Dll.dll", EntryPoint = "Ls50P2Open", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)] public static extern void Ls50P2Open(ref ls50p2apiconfiginfostruct [...] read more
I'm struggling with ICustomMarshaler, and I can't find anyone else who is having this problem. The fact that I've been looking for an answer for days, and I'm finally posting here means that I'll probably find the answer ten minutes from now myself. :-\ I have a C# event being [...] read more
I have a struct in a WCF Service defined in C# as [DataContract] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential), Serializable] [ComVisible(true)] public struct MyData { [DataMember] public int data1; [DataMember] public string data2; } From a MFC app I am trying to create a SafeArray of this struct. When calling GetRecordInfoFromGuids like this hr = [...] read more
i am trying to pass an array of struct exported from a c# library to c++ code. the objective is to pass SAFEARRAY of struct from c++ to c#. I have followed instructions from http://limbioliong.wordpress.com/2011/07/16/marshaling-a-safearray-of-managed-structures-by-com-interop-part-2/ but getting this error with the call GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo 0x80028019 Old format or invalid type library. read more