I am working on an application where I use Naudio to play sound streamed to/from a modem (no luck with tapi on this particular modem, so AT-commands). This works acceptably well when I used a linear waveformat (WaveFormat waveFormat = new WaveFormat(8000, 16, 1);) but now I want to try [...] read more
So, i did some updates to my microsoft visual studio. Previously, my UWP flipview is working perfectly. Basically my Flipview reads images from local pictures library. And now if i run my UWP, this exception appears! System.DivideByZeroException HResult=0x80020012 Message=Attempted to divide by zero. Source=TMD_Latest StackTrace: at TMD_Latest.Views.MainPage.ChangeImage(Object sender, Object o) [...] read more