I'm trying to run an Access 2010 macro in PowerShell (v4.0 Windows 8.1) with the below code: $Access = New-Object -com Access.Application $Access.OpenCurrentDatabase("SomePath", $False, "Password") $Access.Run("SomeProc") $Access.CloseCurrentDatabase() $Access.Quit() [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Access) Remove-Variable Access I get an error on the line $Access.Run("SomeProc") that there's not enough parameters specified: > Exception calling "Run" with [...] read more
I have a Visual Studio Project Wizard that attempts to configure a VC# project to override the FullPath property for selected files from the template. The following code is used from within function public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project) string path = "some file name"; project.ProjectItems.Item("some file").Properties.Item("FullPath").Value = path; System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Invalid number [...] read more
I have a .NET (3.5 w/ Dev Studio 2008) app that hosts a visual Active X (written in C++ w/ Dev Studio 2003). Have access to all sources, but can't easily move the Active X control up to 2008. This as worked fine in the past. Made some changes to [...] read more
I have issue with Data in DB (SQL Server). My DB columns has mixture of both Relational data and JSON type data. Few json columns got incorrectly populated. Need C# code to fix the issue. Example consider my Table name is dbo.Organization. And columns are orgReferenceNumber, organizationAssociation. And organizationAssociation is [...] read more
When trying to execute an overloaded method of a .net class I always get the error that the number of parameters is incorrect. .net code : public bool AddStock(double AWidth, double AHeight, int aCount) { return this.Manager.(AWidth, AHeight, aCount, string.Empty, 0); } public bool AddStock(double AWidth, double AHeight, int aCount, [...] read more