I want to get into PAPI. I have Version on Debian GNU/Linux. papi_avail just tells me that no hardware events are available: $ papi_avail Available events and hardware information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPI Version : Vendor string and code : GenuineIntel (1) Model string and code : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5010U [...] read more
After releasing the new version of my iOS application , I am getting the following crash frequently. Crashed: WebThread EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x80000012 This is one of the irritating crashes where stack trace didn't give any clues related to where its crashing or what causes the crash. One major thing [...] read more
For my application (SpMV) I have more data cache misses (PAPI_L1_DCM) than total cache misses (PAPI_L1_TCM) in level 1 cache. How can that be? For Level 2 the values are ok. That is, what the PAPI counters offer: [PAPI_L1_ICM ][PAPI_L1_DCM ][PAPI_L1_TCM ][PAPI_L2_ICM ][PAPI_L2_DCM ][PAPI_L2_TCM ] 1256 3388225 1442386 1007 2389903 [...] read more
I'm trying to use RAPI to monitor the performance of my Xeon Phi code. I just compiled and installed a native version of RAPI follwoing the documentation. And the following list is what I get when I execute "rapi_avail" on my Xeon Phi which shall display all available events. Surprisingly, [...] read more
I finished my game in Sprite Kit and am now trying to store the highscore in GameCenter's Leaderboards. I followed some tutorials that worked great for none-spritekit-projects. Steps to my error: 1. I debug my app without any errors, some warnings but they do no harm. 2. App runs great, [...] read more
I'm developing a windows phone application that needs to consume data from an OData feed (using WCF Data Services). Specifically, I need to call the following operation http://localhost/ODATA/PIDataService.svc/RecordedValues?path='\\OPENXC\OpenXC\EventFrames[testFrame]|Sinusoid'&startTime='*-1d'&endTime='*' When I execute this in the browser (Chrome) it gives me the proper result <feed xml:base="http://[redacted]/OData/PIDataService.svc/" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <title type="text">RecordedValues</title> <id>http://[redacted]/ODATA/PIDataService.svc/RecordedValues</id> [...] read more
I am trying to use DES encryption/decryption on Google chrome. In my folder I have three files. 1. tripledes.js 2. mode-ecb.js 3. CryptoJS-DES.html The scripts in my html file is defined as follows :- <script type="text/javascript" src="tripledes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="mode-ecb.js"></script> and another script file which is :- function encryptByDES(message, key) [...] read more
I have a custom proxy class for a single WCF web-service (takes a string in, sends a string back). The asynchronous web service call works great from my Windows Form app. However, when I call it from a test Silverlight app I get an error: Hresult 0x80000012. This error is [...] read more