This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
We are facing two problem using isapi redirector on a virtual machine. Every couple minutes the log shows http error 503: ... [Sun Oct 14 14:25:02.465 2012] [8428:7856] [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1662): (application) failed sending request on a fresh connection (recoverable), socket -1 (errno=54) [Sun Oct 14 14:25:02.465 2012] [8428:7856] [error] [...] read more
I have added a configured postgres database add-on to a heroku app. When I try to connect to the database outside the heroku (from my local machine) it always gives an error SSL SYSCALL error: Connection reset by peer (0x00002746/10054) I have tried connection from Heroku CLI as well as [...] read more
I am already using active agents on other servers and everything works really nice. I've performed installation of Zabbix agent on new server and I've set the same config as in other active agents. The problem is my agent can't connect to the server. Logs: End of zbx_tls_connect():FAIL error:'SSL_connect() I/O [...] read more
I am trying to send some commands to a remote Postgres server using SQLAlchemy but each time I receive an error. Please note that I can connect to the remote Postgres using SSH username and password to login to the server. For that I have used my local terminal, PuTTY [...] read more
I am already using active agents on other servers and everything works really nice. I've performed installation of Zabbix agent on new server and I've set the same config as in other active agents. The problem is my agent can't connect to the server. Logs: End of zbx_tls_connect():FAIL error:'SSL_connect() I/O [...] read more
I am trying to connect to a PostgreSQL Azure database using libpq on Windows 10. The syntax is as below -- PQinitSSL(1); PGconn* pConn = PQconnectdb(" port=5432 dbname={your_database} user=postgres@nameofhost password={your_password} sslmode=require"); ConnStatusType ist = PQstatus(pConn); The connection status is CONNECTION_BAD, and the error message is "SSL SYSCALL error: Connection reset [...] read more
I'm following a Udemy course and deploying a Flask app to Heroku. The problem is when I type heroku pg:psql --app *appname* I get : psql: SSL SYSCALL error: Connection reset by peer (0x00002746/10054) FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "whlcorobevpteq", database "dcmbbmbl1bbrgd", SSL off Here is my [...] read more