This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
A coworker handed me an iPhone that crashed in the middle of our app running. The crash report credits the crash to mc_mobile_tunnel rather than our application. Process: mc_mobile_tunnel [7322] Path: /usr/libexec/mc_mobile_tunnel Identifier: mc_mobile_tunnel Version: ??? (???) Code Type: ARM (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] Date/Time: 2011-03-24 13:53:15.294 -0700 OS [...] read more
How can I print a character whose UTF-16 representation is feff2031? When I try the following I get "?" as the result: String million = "\u2030"; The character I want is "per million". See PER MILLE for more information. UTF-8 (hex) 0xE2 0x80 0xB0 (e280b0) UTF-8 (binary) 11100010:10000000:10110000 UTF-16 (hex) [...] read more
I've got two graphics cards in a system, both of which have all of the monitors enabled up until it gets to :: Starting udevd... done. in the boot process. After it gets past there, the 2 monitors attached to the primary graphics card continue updating, while the monitor attached [...] read more
I started using Python 3.3 instead of 2.7 and there is a problem with some lines of code that I use to restart or close the program. def restart_program(): python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv) if __name__ == "__main__": answer = input("Restart or close program ") if answer.strip() in [...] read more